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CAP Alerts composer, communication and dissemination tool


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A Wagtail based Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Warning Composer.

This is a web-based tool for creating and managing CAP alerts. It is designed to be used by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) ,disaster management agencies, and other organizations that have the authority to publish and disseminate CAP alerts.

The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) provides an open, non-proprietary digital message format for all types of alerts and notifications.

This tool formats published warnings into the CAP XML that follows the structure of the schema provided at

🌟 Features

  • Modern user-friendly composer that follows CAP 1.2 standard. Built on top of the awesome Wagtail CMS
  • Preview a CAP alert as you edit. Save drafts for sharing with colleagues and collaborating
  • Inbuilt CAP validation. The page will not save if you have not input the required data according to CAP standard
  • User-friendly alert area map tool that allows multiple ways of constructing alert geographic areas, while keeping the interface simple
    • Upload and use your country/territory's administrative boundaries
    • Draw a polygon
    • Draw a circle
    • Selecting predefined areas that you create beforehand for common alert areas
  • Inbuilt publishing workflow using Wagtail's powerful page model, with automated emails to composers and approvers
  • Collaborate with team members using inbuilt comments (similar to how you could do in Word) with automated notifications. Request for changes and approvals
  • Publish realtime notifications/messages to third party integrations using MQTT messaging protocol
  • Predefine a list of hazards types monitored by your institution, with intuitive icons from OCHA humanitarian icons
  • Extendable to add your custom logic and functionality. The package provides an abstract django model that can be inherited for customizations.

🛠️ Installation

Alertwise can be installed in two ways:

  1. As a standalone complete Wagtail project
  2. As a set of Wagtail apps that can be integrated into an existing Wagtail project

Standalone Installation

This option will set up a Wagtail project together with the complete components required to run Alertwise. Use this when you want to have Alertwise as a standalone project, and not a component in a bigger project.

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Change into the project directory
cd alertwise
  1. Copy the sample environment file
cp .env.standalone.sample .env
  1. Edit the .env file to set your environment variables. See the Standalone Environment Variables below for more information. Use your favourite text editor to edit the file. For example, using nano:
nano .env
  1. Copy the nginx configuration file
cp nginx/nginx.conf.sample nginx/nginx.conf
  1. Copy the docker-compose file
cp docker-compose.sample.yml docker-compose.yml
  1. Build the Docker containers
docker compose build

This may take some time to download and build the required Docker images, depending on your internet connection.

  1. Run the Docker containers
docker compose up -d
  1. Check the logs to ensure everything is running correctly
docker compose logs -f

In case of any errors, see the troubleshooting section below for some helpful tips Troubleshooting standalone installation

  1. Access the application at http://<ip_or_doman>:<ALERTWISE_WEB_PROXY_PORT>. Replace <ip_or_domain> with the IP address or domain name of your server, and <ALERTWISE_WEB_PROXY_PORT> with the port set in the .env file or 80 if not set.

  2. Create a superuser to access the admin dashboard

docker compose exec alertwise alertwise createsuperuser

alertwise is a shortcut command to python in the Docker container.

  1. Access the admin dashboard at http://<ip_or_doman>:<ALERTWISE_WEB_PROXY_PORT>/<ADMIN_URL_PATH>. Replace <ADMIN_URL_PATH> with the path set in the .env file or alertwise-admin if not set.

Standalone Environment Variables

Note: For a quick start, 5 environment variables are required:

  • UID
  • GID

The rest are optional and can be configured as required.

Variable Description Required Default More Details
SECRET_KEY A unique secret key for securing your Django application. It’s used for encryption and signing. Do not share this key! YES
DB_PASSWORD Password for Alertwise database YES
DB_USER Username for Alertwise database NO alertwise
DB_NAME Name of the Alertwise database NO alertwise
REDIS_PASSWORD Password for Alertwise Redis Server YES
GUNICORN_NUM_OF_WORKERS Number of workers for Gunicorn. Recommended value should be (2 x $num_cores) + 1 . For example, if your server has 4 CPU Cores, this value should be set to 9, which is the result of (2 x 4) + 1 = 9 NO 4
CELERY_NUM_OF_WORKERS Number of worker processes for Celery. NO 4
DEBUG A boolean that turns on/off debug mode. Never deploy a site into production with DEBUG turned on NO False
WAGTAIL_SITE_NAME The human-readable name of your installation which welcomes users upon login to the Wagtail admin. NO AlertWise
ADMIN_URL_PATH Custom URL path for the admin dashboard. Do not use admin or an easy to guess path. Should be one word and can include an hyphen. DO NOT include any slashes at the start or the end. NO alertwise-admin
TIME_ZONE A string representing the time zone for this installation. See the list of time zones. Set this to your country timezone NO UTC List of tz database time zones
ALLOWED_HOSTS A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve. This is a security measure to prevent HTTP Host header attacks, which are possible even under many seemingly-safe web server configuration NO,localhost Django Allowed Hosts
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS A list of trusted origins for unsafe requests (e.g. POST). NO,http://localhost Django CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS
DJANGO_ADMINS A list of all the people who get alertwise error notifications, in format "Name [email protected], Another Name [email protected]" NO
WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL This is the base URL used by the Wagtail admin site. It is typically used for generating URLs to include in notification emails. NO
LANGUAGE_CODE The language code for the system. Available codes are en for English, fr from French, ar for Arabic, am for Amharic, es for Spanish, sw for Swahili. Default is en if not set NO en
CAP_CERT_PATH Path to the CAP XML signing certificate NO
CAP_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH Path to the CAP XML signing private key NO
ALERTWISE_WEB_PROXY_PORT External Docker port for the Alertwise Nginx web server NO 80
EMAIL_SMTP Enables SMTP for sending emails. If set to a non empty variable, configure the EMAIL_SMTP_* variables below NO
EMAIL_SMTP_HOST SMTP server host for sending emails NO
EMAIL_SMTP_USE_TLS Enables TLS encryption for SMTP NO
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Default email address used for sending emails NO
DB_VOLUME_PATH Path to the mounted volume for the database NO ./docker/volumes/db
BACKUP_VOLUME_PATH Path to the mounted volume for backups NO ./docker/volumes/backup
STATIC_VOLUME_PATH Path to the mounted volume for static files NO ./docker/volumes/static
MEDIA_VOLUME_PATH Path to the mounted volume for media files NO ./docker/volumes/media
ALERTWISE_ENABLE_OTEL Enables OpenTelemetry for monitoring and tracing NO
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT Endpoint for OpenTelemetry data export NO
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES Attributes for OpenTelemetry resources NO
OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER Sampling method for OpenTelemetry traces NO traceidratio
OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG Specifies the sampling rate or configuration for the chosen sampler. The value depends on the sampler type defined in OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER NO 0.1
OTEL_PER_MODULE_SAMPLER_OVERRIDES Custom sampling rules for specific modules NO opentelemetry.instrumentation.django=always_on
ALERTWISE_DEPLOYMENT_ENV Deployment environment (e.g., production, staging) NO production
UID User ID for the Docker container NO User ID for the Docker container
GID Group ID for the Docker container NO Group ID for the Docker container
WAGTAIL_2FA_REQUIRED Enforces Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). When enabled, admin users must setup 2FA to login. Administrators can also enforce 2FA for a specific group NO False

Important Notes:

  1. Required Variables: Ensure SECRET_KEY, DB_PASSWORD, and REDIS_PASSWORD are always set.
  2. Security: Avoid using default values for sensitive variables like SECRET_KEY or ADMIN_URL_PATH.
  3. Debug Mode: Never set DEBUG=True in production.
  4. Time Zone: Set TIME_ZONE to your local time zone for accurate timestamps.
  5. SMTP: Configure email settings if your app needs to send emails.

Troubleshooting standalone installation

  1. Docker containers not starting: Check the logs for any errors. Run docker compose logs -f to see the logs.
  2. Docker compose file parsing errors: Ensure the docker-compose.yml file is correctly formatted. Check for any syntax errors. Use docker compose config to validate the file. Some symbols like dollar signs ($) or @ might be the culprit in password variables, especially DB_PASSWORD. Check your password and other variables for any special characters that might be causing issues.
  3. Database volume permission errors: Ensure the DB_VOLUME_PATH is correctly set and the user running the database container has the correct permissions to read and write to the volume path. The default user id and group for the db container is 1000:1000. You can assign the correct permissions to the volume path by running: sudo chown -R 1000:1000 ./docker/volumes/db, or the custom path if changed.
  4. Static/media/backup volume permission errors: The same as above, ensure the STATIC_VOLUME_PATH, MEDIA_VOLUME_PATH, and BACKUP_VOLUME_PATH are correctly set and the user running the alertwise containers has the correct permissions to read and write to these volume paths. This is the user set by the UID and GID environment. Set the correct permissions by running sudo chown -R <UID>:<GID> ./path/to/volume, for all the volumes.

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