gr-gnMAX2769 is a GNU Radio module intended to be used either with GNSS-SDR as a signal source (in future), or as standalone signal source block instantiated from a GNU Radio flow graph from C++ or using Python (also includes a gnuradio-companion interface).
This document describes how to build the MAX2769 GNU Radio Source USB 2.0 driver.
The driver core is based on GN3S driver available at, which is based on a Gregory W. Hecker driver available at
You can install GNU Radio through a distribution packages provided by your favorite Linux distribution or by using PyBOMBS. In this case follow the instructions provided by GNU Radio.
$ git clone
- Go to gr-gnMAX2769 root directory and compile the driver:
$ mkdir -p gr-gnMAX2769/build
$ cd gr-gnMAX2769/build
$ cmake ../
$ make
NOTE: If you have installed GNU Radio via the repository packages, you might need to use cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ../
instead of cmake ../
in order to make the module visible from gnuradio-companion once installed.
- If everything went fine, install the driver as root
$ sudo make install
When using Ubuntu, you might need to type this line when the installation is finished:
$ sudo ldconfig
Open gnuradio-companion and check the MAX2769 Source module under the MAX2769 tab. In order to gain access to USB ports, gnuradio-companion should be used as root or MAX2769 udev module has to be installed.