- Wiredash is now available for Flutter Web. No screenshots yet but sending feedback generally works #98 #106
- You can now customize the BottomSheet to match your apps style. Custom fonts & colors #100 as well as disabled individually buttons #90
options: WiredashOptionsData(
bugReportButton: false,
featureRequestButton: false,
praiseButton: false,
theme: WiredashThemeData(
fontFamily: 'Monospace',
sheetBorderRadius: BorderRadius.zero,
brightness: Brightness.light,
primaryColor: Colors.red,
secondaryColor: Colors.blue,
firstPenColor: Colors.orange,
secondPenColor: Colors.green,
thirdPenColor: Colors.yellow,
fourthPenColor: Colors.deepPurpleAccent,
- Accessibility labels for all UI components #91
- Relax email validation #85
- Don't allow empty messages #83
- Don't allow opening Wiredash when navigating the app during capture #81 #103
- Widen dependency ranges where possible
- Simplified sample #102
- Improve error handling of offline submissions #104 #105