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Pan-genome inference and genotyping with long noisy or short accurate reads


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Pandora is a tool for bacterial genome analysis using a pangenome reference graph (PanRG). It allows gene presence/absence detection and genotyping of SNPs, indels and longer variants in one or a number of samples. Pandora works with Illumina or Nanopore data. Core ideas behind the method are:

  • new genomes look like recombinants (plus mutations) of things seen before
  • we should be analysing nucleotide-level variation everywhere, not just in core genes
  • arbitrary single reference genomes are unnatural and limit comparisons of diverse sets of genomes

The pangenome reference graph (PanRG) is a collection of 'floating' local graphs, each representing some orthologous region of interest (e.g. genes, mobile elements or intergenic regions). See for a pipeline which can construct these PRGs from a set of aligned sequence files.

Pandora can do the following for a single sample (read dataset):

  • Output inferred mosaic of reference sequences for loci (eg genes) from the PanRG which are present
  • Output a VCF showing the variation found within these loci, with respect to any reference path in the PRG.

Soon, in a galaxy not so far away, it will allow:

  • discovery of new variation not in the PRG

For a collection of samples, it can:

  • Output a matrix showing inferred copy-number of each locus in each sample genome
  • Output a multisample pangenome VCF showing how including genotype calls for each sample in each of the loci
  • Output one VCF per orthologous-chunk, showing how samples which contained this chunk differed in their gene sequence. Variation is shown with respect to the most informative recombinant path in the PRG.

Warning - this code is still in development.

Quick Start

Index PanRG file:

pandora index -t 8 <panrg.fa>

Compare first 30X of each Illumina sample to get pangenome matrix and VCF

pandora compare -p <panrg.fa> -r <> --genotype --illumina --max_covg 30

Map Nanopore reads from a single sample to get approximate sequence for genes present

pandora map -p <panrg.fa> -r <reads.fq>


Singularity Container

We highly recommend that you download and use the singularity container:

singularity pull shub://rmcolq/pandora:pandora

or download direcly as you run:

singularity exec shub://rmcolq/pandora:pandora pandora <command>

Installation from source

This is not recommended because the required zlib and boost system installs do not always play nicely. If you want to take the risk:

  • Requires a Unix or Mac OS.
  • Requires a system install of zlib. If this is not already installed, this tutorial is helpful or try the following.
wget -O - | tar xzf -
cd zlib-1.2.11
./configure [--prefix=/prefix/path]
make install
  • Requires a system installation of boost containing the system, filesystem, log (which also depends on thread and date_time) and iostreams libraries. If not already installed use the following or look at this guide.
wget -O - | tar xzf -
cd boost_1_62_0
./ [--prefix=/prefix/path] --with-libraries=system,filesystem,iostreams,log,thread,date_time
./b2 install
  • Download and install pandora as follows:
git clone --single-branch --recursive
cd pandora
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
ctest -VV


Population Reference Graphs

Pandora assumes you have already constructed a fasta-like file of graphs, one entry for each gene/ genome region of interest. If you haven't, you will need a multiple sequence alignment for each graph. Precompiled collections of MSA representing othologous gene clusters for a number of species can be downloaded from here and converted to graphs using the pipeline from here.

Build index

Takes a fasta-like file of PanRG sequences and constructs an index, and a directory of gfa files to be used by pandora map or pandora compare. These are output in the same directory as the PanRG file.

  Usage: pandora index [options] <PanRG>
    -h,--help                       Show this help message
    -w W                            Window size for (w,k)-minimizers, default 14
    -k K                            K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers, default 15
    -t T                            Number of concurrent threads, default 1

The index stores (w,k)-minimizers for each PanRG path found. These parameters can be specified, but default to w=14, k=15.

Map reads to index

This takes a fasta/q of Nanopore or Illumina reads and compares to the index. It infers which of the PanRG genes/elements is present, and for those that are present it outputs the inferred sequence and a genotyped VCF.

  Usage: pandora map -p PanRG_FILE -r READ_FILE -o OUTDIR <option(s)>
   -h,--help                        Show this help message
   -p,--prg_file PanRG_FILE         Specify a fasta-style PanRG file
   -r,--read_file READ_FILE         Specify a file of reads in fasta/q format
   -o,--outdir OUTDIR               Specify directory of output
   -w W                             Window size for (w,k)-minimizers, must be <=k, default 14
   -k K                             K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers, default 15
   -m,--max_diff INT                Maximum distance between consecutive hits within a cluster, default 250 bps
   -e,--error_rate FLOAT            Estimated error rate for reads, default 0.11/0.001 for Nanopore/Illumina
   -c,--min_cluster_size INT        Minimum number of hits in a cluster to consider a locus present, default 10
   --genome_size NUM_BP             Estimated length of genome, used for coverage estimation, default 5000000
   --vcf_refs REF_FASTA             A fasta file with an entry for each loci in the PanRG in order, giving 
                                    reference sequence to be used as VCF ref. Must have a perfect match to a 
                                    path in the graph and the same name as the locus in the graph.
   --illumina                       Data is from Illumina, not Nanopore, so is shorter with low error rate
   --bin                            Use binomial model for kmer coverages, default is negative binomial
   --max_covg INT                   Maximum average coverage from reads to accept, default first 300
   --genotype                       Output a genotyped VCF
   --discover                       Add denovo discovery
   --denovo_kmer_size INT           Kmer size to use for denovo discovery, default 11
   --log_level LEVEL                Verbosity for logging, use "debug" for more output

Compare reads from several samples

This takes Nanopore or Illumina read fasta/q for a number of samples, mapping each to the index. It infers which of the PanRG genes/elements is present in each sample, and outputs a presence/absence pangenome matrix, the inferred sequences for each sample and a genotyped multisample pangenome VCF.

  Usage: pandora compare -p PanRG_FILE -r READ_INDEX -o OUTDIR <option(s)>
   -h,--help                        Show this help message
   -p,--prg_file PanRG_FILE         Specify a fasta-style PanRG file
   -r,--read_index READ_INDEX       Specify a tab delimited file with a line per sample, detailing sample id 
                                    and read fasta/q
   -o,--outdir OUTDIR               Specify directory of output
   -w W                             Window size for (w,k)-minimizers, must be <=k, default 14
   -k K                             K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers, default 15
   -m,--max_diff INT                Maximum distance between consecutive hits within a cluster, default 250 bps
   -e,--error_rate FLOAT            Estimated error rate for reads, default 0.11/0.001 for Nanopore/Illumina
   -c,--min_cluster_size INT        Minimum number of hits in a cluster to consider a locus present, default 10
   --genome_size NUM_BP             Estimated length of genome, used for coverage estimation, default 5000000
   --vcf_refs REF_FASTA             A fasta file with an entry for each loci in the PanRG in order, giving 
                                    reference sequence to be used as VCF ref. Must have a perfect match to a 
                                    path in the graph and the same name as the locus in the graph.
   --illumina                       Data is from Illumina, not Nanopore, so is shorter with low error rate
   --bin                            Use binomial model for kmer coverages, default is negative binomial
   --max_covg INT                   Maximum average coverage from reads to accept, default first 300
   --genotype                       Output a genotyped VCF
   --log_level LEVEL                Verbosity for logging, use "debug" for more output


Pan-genome inference and genotyping with long noisy or short accurate reads







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