- Project on
- Python 3 - sudo apt install python3
- python3-pip - sudo apt install python3-pip
- Spotipy - pip install spotipy --upgrade - Docs:
- Pillow Library - pip install pillow --upgrade - To open images if has errors: sudo apt install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev
- TK - sudo apt-get install python3-tk - create graphic interface
Setup: export environment variables on terminal: - export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='your-client-id' - export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='your-client-secret' - export SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI='http://localhost/'
run the python script: python3 this will open a window to log in your spotify account and grant permission to the app; paste the redirected url on terminal, url exemple: 'http://localhost/?code=xxxxxx';