My dotfiles are managed by chezmoi
- git only !
Chezmoi will install brew and brew will install a bunch of dependencies. Some other tools will be installed manually (i will add them to externals in the future)
Chezmoi uses templates to be able to have different dotfiles between multiple machines (see Manage machine-to-machine differences)
For the installation to work you have to provide some config file containing your variables in .config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
firstName = "<firstname>"
name = "<name>"
fullName = "<fullName>"
email = "<email>"
githubUsername = "<githubUsername>"
ngrok2Token = "<ngrok2Token>"
ghOauthToken = "<ghOauthToken>"
wakatimeApiKey = "<wakatimeApiKey>"
npmToken = "<npmToken>"
gpgSigningKey = "<gpgSigningKey>"
In the future I will update it to use prompts to automatically generate this file.
To install these dotfiles on a brand new mac you can run :
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --purge-binary --apply williamgoulois
curl -fsSL | sh -
I install all global javascript packages with pnpm to be able to use them independently of node version. You can find a list of all your global pnpm dependencies with
pnpm list -g --json | jq -r '.[] | .dependencies | .[] | .from'
This command uses jq
that was installed via Homebrew
And on the new machine you can add all of them :
pnpm add -g <pkg_1> <pkg_2> ...
NB: There may be a better way (using --json
when you list on previous machine maybe ?) but I didn't want to loose to much time on that.
bash <(curl -s
sudo spctl --global-disable
brew services start yabai
rustup => cargo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh .cargo => .crates.toml .crates2.json env
=> cargo install git-graph selene taplo-cli
pnpm add neovim tree-sitter-cli => lunarvim bad
$(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install => fzf installation