We are Metacloud, an open source Minecraft cloud system
► Discord
minimal requirements:
- Java 17
- Linux/Windows server with a minimum of 3GB Memory and 2 vCores
- Internet connection
recommended requirements:
- Java 17
- Linux/Windows server with a minimum of 8GB Memory and 4 vCores
- Internet connection
- Update & upgrade your server
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
- Download the zip data
wget https://metacloudservice.eu/download/metacloud-latest.zip
- Unzip the metacloud-latest.zip in your folder
unzip metacloud-latest.zip
- give the start.sh permission and start them
chmod +u start.sh
- Plug & Play with an very easy setup
- Autoupdate funktion with inbuild downloader
- Language-System (German & English)
- dynamic and static launch of Services
- Group System with Templats and autoinstall form Server software
- Greate Event mangement with a lot of greate events
- Powerful API with async & sync support based on real-time results, but easy to Learn
- Powerful REST-API with put & get function
- CPU-Overload protaction with Queuesystem and more
- Modular system with comprehensive modules like (*Syncproxy, Notify, Cloudflare, Hub, NPC, Sign & Permission *)
- Great scalability, thanks to the multi-proxy and multi-root function
- Multiversion support for bungeecord's (Bungeecod, Waterfall, Velocity) and Spigot's (Spigot, Paperspigot, Foliaspigot, Bukkit, Purpurspigot)