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update tr (obsidianmd#544)
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Co-authored-by: Erica Xu <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
Ted2xmen and ericaxu authored Sep 16, 2021
1 parent 639edcf commit 6af4e1b
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 40 deletions.
80 changes: 40 additions & 40 deletions tr.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,18 +102,18 @@
"option-use-obsidian-css-description": "Read and apply “obsidian.css” in the vault folder. This is a legacy setting, please consider moving your custom CSS file to the snippet folder below.",
"option-community-themes": "Topluluk renk düzenlerini aç",
"option-community-themes-description": "Topluluk tarafından yaratılmış fevkalade renk düzenlerinin önizlemerini yap veya kullan.",
"button-browse-community-themes": "Browse",
"option-font-size": "Font size",
"button-browse-community-themes": "Tara",
"option-font-size": "Font boyutu",
"option-font-size-description": "Font size in pixels that affects editor and preview.",
"option-font-size-action": "Quick font size adjustment",
"option-font-size-action-description": "Adjust the font size using Ctrl + Scroll, or using the trackpad pinch-zoom gesture.",
"option-themes": "Themes",
"option-theme": "Theme",
"option-themes": "Temalar",
"option-theme": "Tema",
"option-theme-description": "Which community theme to use. Themes are stored in \"vault/.obsidian/themes/\".",
"option-choice-none": "None",
"button-reload-themes": "Reload themes",
"button-reload-themes": "Temaları yeniden yükle",
"msg-reloaded-themes": "Reloaded custom CSS themes.",
"button-open-themes-folder": "Open themes folder",
"button-open-themes-folder": "Tema klasörünü aç",
"option-css-snippets": "CSS snippets",
"label-no-css-snippets-found": "No CSS snippets found in the snippets folder.",
"no-snippet-description": "CSS Snippets are stored in \"{{path}}\".",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,10 +269,10 @@
"placeholder-search-installed-plugin": "Search installed plugins...",
"label-sort-downloads-high-to-low": "Download count (high to low)",
"label-sort-downloads-low-to-high": "Download count (low to high)",
"label-sort-release-date-new-to-old": "First released time (new to old)",
"label-sort-release-date-old-to-new": "First released time (old to new)",
"label-sort-alphabetical": "Plugin name (A to Z)",
"label-sort-alphabetical-reverse": "Plugin name (Z to A)",
"label-sort-release-date-new-to-old": "Yayınlanma zamanı (yeniden eskiye)",
"label-sort-release-date-old-to-new": "Yayınlanma zamanı (eskiden yeniye)",
"label-sort-alphabetical": "Eklenti Adı (A to Z)",
"label-sort-alphabetical-reverse": "Eklenti Adı (Z to A)",
"label-search-summary": "Showing {{pluginCount}}:"
"mobile-toolbar": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,16 +375,16 @@
"drag-to-rearrange": "Düzenlemek için sürükle",
"msg-switched-to-preview": "Varsayılan gösterim şekli önizleme yapıldı.",
"msg-switched-to-edit": "Varsayılan gösterim şekli editör yapıldı.",
"msg-upgrade-installer": "To use this feature, please re-install with latest installer available from our website.",
"msg-upgrade-installer": "Bu özelliği kullanabilmek için lütfen web sitemizden yeni yükleyiciyi indirin.",
"tooltip-restore-default-settings": "Restore default settings",
"label-copy": "Copy to clipboard",
"copied": "{{item}} copied to your clipboard",
"label-copy": "Kopyala",
"copied": "{{item}} kopyalandı",
"url": "Url",
"msg-open-file-through-uri": "Opened file \"{{path}}\"",
"msg-file-not-found-through-uri": "File \"{{name}}\" not found.",
"delete-action-short-name": "Delete",
"delete-action-short-name": "Sil",
"msg-indexing": "Obsidian is indexing your vault...\nThis should only happen once.\nSome functionality may not be available until this is complete.",
"msg-indexing-complete": "Indexing complete.",
"msg-indexing-complete": "Indeksleme işlemi tamamlandı.",
"label-enter-to-create": "Enter to create",
"empty-state": {
"no-file-open": "Açık dosya yok",
Expand All @@ -406,19 +406,19 @@
"unlink-pane": "Pencere bağını kopart",
"link-pane": "Pencereye bağla...",
"delete-file": "Dosyayı sil",
"open-in-new-pane": "Open in new pane",
"open-in-new-pane": "Yeni pencerede aç",
"copy-url": "Copy url",
"close-current-pane": "Close current pane",
"copy": "Copy",
"cut": "Cut",
"paste": "Paste",
"copy": "Kopyala",
"cut": "Kes",
"paste": "Yapıştır",
"paste-as-plain-text": "Paste as plain text",
"select-all": "Select all",
"select-all": "Tümünü seç",
"rename-heading": "Rename this heading..."
"tooltip": {
"click-to-expand": "Click to expand",
"click-to-collapse": "Click to collapse",
"click-to-expand": "Genişlet",
"click-to-collapse": "Daralt",
"alias": "Alias",
"not-created-yet": "Not created yet, select to create"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,12 +463,12 @@
"go-forward": "İleri"
"start-up": {
"loading-obsidian": "Loading Obsidian...",
"obsidian-load-error": "An error occurred while loading Obsidian.",
"button-reload-app": "Reload app",
"button-open-another-vault": "Open another vault",
"loading-obsidian": "Obsidian yükleniyor...",
"obsidian-load-error": "Yüklenirken bir hata meydana geldi.",
"button-reload-app": "Uygulamayı yeniden başlat",
"button-open-another-vault": "Başka bir kasa aç",
"loading-components": "Loading components...",
"loading-plugins": "Loading plugins...",
"loading-plugins": "Eklentiler yükleniyor...",
"loading-vault": "Loading vault...",
"msg-failed-to-load-vault": "Failed to load vault: ",
"loading-cache": "Loading cache...",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,10 +524,10 @@
"toggle-spellcheck": "Toggle spellcheck",
"delete-paragraph": "Paragrafı sil",
"toggle-checklist": "Toggle checklist status",
"edit-file-title": "Edit file title",
"copy-path": "Copy file path",
"copy-url": "Copy obsidian url",
"export-pdf": "Export to PDF",
"edit-file-title": "Dosya başlığını düzenle",
"copy-path": "Dosya yolunu kopyala",
"copy-url": "Obsidian URL'sini kopyala",
"export-pdf": "PDF olarak dışa aktar",
"reload": "Reload app without saving"
"dialogue": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,10 +562,10 @@
"file-explorer": {
"name": "Dosyalar",
"desc": "Kasanızdaki tüm dosyaları gösterir.",
"action-open": "Open file explorer",
"action-show": "Show file explorer",
"action-open": "Dosya gezginini aç",
"action-show": "Dosya gezginin göster",
"action-create-note": "Yeni not yarat",
"action-create-note-in-new-pane": "Create note in new pane",
"action-create-note-in-new-pane": "Yeni pencerede yeni not oluştur",
"action-new-note": "Yeni not",
"action-new-folder": "Yeni klasör",
"action-change-sort": "Sıralamayı değiştir",
Expand All @@ -583,8 +583,8 @@
"label-sort-z-to-a": "İsme göre sırala (Z'den A'ya)",
"label-sort-new-to-old": "Değiştirme zamanına göre sırala (yeniden eskiye)",
"label-sort-old-to-new": "Değiştirme zamanına göre sırala (eskiden yeniye)",
"label-sort-created-old-to-new": "Created time (old to new)",
"label-sort-created-new-to-old": "Created time (new to old)",
"label-sort-created-old-to-new": "Oluşturma tarihi (eskiden yeniye)",
"label-sort-created-new-to-old": "Oluşturma tarihi(yeniden eskiye)",
"menu-opt-new-note": "Yeni not",
"menu-opt-new-folder": "Yeni klasör",
"menu-opt-set-attachment-folder": "Eklenti klasörü olarak kullan",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -794,11 +794,11 @@
"custom-css": {
"name": "Özel CSS",
"desc": "Reads \"obsidian.css\" in the vault and applies it.",
"setting-community-themes": "Community themes",
"setting-community-themes": "Topluluk temaları",
"msg-fetching-themes": "Fetching community theme data...",
"prompt-filter": "Filtrele...",
"label-dark-theme-only": "Dark themes only",
"label-light-theme-only": "Light themes only",
"label-dark-theme-only": "Sadece karanlık temalar",
"label-light-theme-only": "Sadece aydınlık temalar",
"label-preview": "Ön izleme",
"label-stop-preview": "Ön izlemeyi durdur",
"label-use": "Kullan",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1296,4 +1296,4 @@
"plugin-with-count": "{{count}} plugin",
"plugin-with-count_plural": "{{count}} plugins"

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