Graphite cluster backend with ClickHouse support
Gray components are optional or alternative
Required golang 1.7+
# build binary
git clone
cd graphite-clickhouse
- Setup Yandex ClickHouse and carbon-clickhouse
- Setup and configure
- Add graphite-clickhouse
to graphite-web CLUSTER_SERVERS
Create /etc/graphite-clickhouse/rollup.xml
with same content as for ClickHouse. Short sample:
For complex clickhouse queries you might need to increase default query_max_size. To do that add following line to /etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml
for the user you are using:
<!-- Default is 262144 -->
Create /etc/graphite-clickhouse/graphite-clickhouse.conf
listen = ":9090"
max-cpu = 1
# Limit number of results from find query. Zero = unlimited
max-metrics-in-find-answer = 0
# Daemon returns empty response if query matches any of regular expressions
# target-blacklist = ["^not_found.*"]
# You can add user/password (http://user:password@localhost:8123) and any clickhouse options (GET-parameters) to url
# It is recommended to create read-only user
url = "http://localhost:8123"
# Add extra prefix (directory in graphite) for all metrics
extra-prefix = ""
# Default table with points
data-table = "graphite"
data-timeout = "1m0s"
# Rollup rules xml filename. Use `auto` magic word for select rollup rules from ClickHouse
rollup-conf = "/etc/graphite-clickhouse/rollup.xml"
# Table with series list (daily and full)
index-table = "graphite_index"
# Use daily data from index table. This is useful for installations with big count of short-lived series but can be slower in other cases
index-use-daily = true
index-timeout = "1m"
# `tagged` table from carbon-clickhouse. Required for seriesByTag
tagged-table = ""
# Old index tables. Deprecated
tree-table = "graphite_tree"
# Optional table with daily series list.
# Useful for installations with big count of short-lived series
date-tree-table = ""
# Supported several schemas of date-tree-table:
# 1 (default): table only with Path, Date, Level fields. Described here:
# 2: table with Path, Date, Level, Deleted, Version fields. Table type "series" in the carbon-clickhouse
# 3: same as #2 but with reversed Path. Table type "series-reverse" in the carbon-clickhouse
date-tree-table-version = 0
tree-timeout = "1m0s"
server = ""
threads-per-request = 10
connect-timeout = "50ms"
query-timeout = "50ms"
total-timeout = "500ms"
# You can define multiple data tables (with points).
# The first table that matches is used.
# # Sample, archived table with points older 30d
# [[data-table]]
# table = "graphite_archive"
# min-age = "720h"
# # All available options
# [[data-table]]
# # clickhouse table name
# table = "table_name"
# # points in table are stored with reverse path
# reverse = false
# # custom rollup.conf for table. Or magic word `auto`
# rollup-conf = ""
# # from >= now - {max-age}
# max-age = "240h"
# # until <= now - {min-age}
# min-age = "240h"
# # until - from <= {max-interval}
# max-interval = "24h"
# # until - from >= {min-interval}
# min-interval = "24h"
# # regexp.Match({target-match-any}, target[0]) || regexp.Match({target-match-any}, target[1]) || ...
# target-match-any = "regexp"
# # regexp.Match({target-match-all}, target[0]) && regexp.Match({target-match-all}, target[1]) && ...
# target-match-all = "regexp"
logger = ""
file = "/var/log/graphite-clickhouse/graphite-clickhouse.log"
level = "info"
encoding = "mixed"
encoding-time = "iso8601"
encoding-duration = "seconds"
By default graphite-web won't connect to CLUSTER_SERVER on localhost. Cheat:
class ForceLocal(str):
def split(self, *args, **kwargs):
return ["", "8080"]
CLUSTER_SERVERS = [ForceLocal("")]