A Java-based tool to test SSL connections to servers.
This is a command-line tool to test server support for TLS protocols and ciphers. It can be used to debug problems you may be having with either a Java-based client tool (such as your own Java application) or the server itself (though there are better tools available to test the server if that's all you care about).
The code is meant to be readable, reusable, and instructive. Many TLS-related operations in Java appear to be complicated and verbose, and this code is intended to show Java programmers how to e.g. load key stores and trust stores, configure SSLSocketFactory
objects, and make secure connections to remote servers.
Note that this code merely connects to the server and completes a TLS handshake. It does not perform e.g. any HTTP request or handle any response. That means that it will be equally useful for testing a web server's HTTPS connector as it will be for testing an LDAP server's LDAPS connector.
There are two .java source files which contain everything. You can use Apache ant
or the build.sh
script to compile the .java source and bundle it into an executable JAR file, which an be run like this:
$ java -jar ssltest.jar [options]
The options SSLTest accepts are as follows. Only the hostname of the target server is required, and the default port is 443 (HTTPS).
Usage: java class SSLTest [opts] host[:port]
-sslprotocol Sets the SSL/TLS protocol to be used (e.g. SSL, TLS, SSLv3, TLSv1.2, etc.)
-enabledprotocols protocols Sets individual SSL/TLS ptotocols that should be enabled
-ciphers cipherspec A comma-separated list of SSL/TLS ciphers
-keystore Sets the key store for connections (for TLS client certificates)
-keystoretype type Sets the type for the key store
-keystorepassword pass Sets the password for the key store
-keystoreprovider provider Sets the crypto provider for the key store
-truststore Sets the trust store for connections
-truststoretype type Sets the type for the trust store
-truststorepassword pass Sets the password for the trust store
-truststorealgorithm alg Sets the algorithm for the trust store
-truststoreprovider provider Sets the crypto provider for the trust store
-no-check-certificate Ignores certificate errors
-no-verify-hostname Ignores hostname mismatches
-showsslerrors Show SSL/TLS error details
-showhandshakeerrors Show SSL/TLS handshake error details
-showerrors Show all connection error details
-hiderejects Only show protocols/ciphers which were successful