Chippenham/Generic Folk festival Website
This is the master system for the website, no data is loaded here (ever)
Needs php 8
Needs to be at a webspace root, Php needs the Document root in the php include path. php settings (Other than Default): max_execution_time=120, max_input_time=120, post_max_size=16M, upload_max_filesize=16M, pm.max_children=20, max_input_vars = 4000
Apache needs rewrite enabled: sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo service apache2 restart
Needs ImageMagick installed for some features to work.
Needs libheif-examples installed to handle heic/heif image formats.
Needs Skeema see for initialise to work and the database updates to be automated.
It has an embeded copy that will work on 64 bit Intel/ Ubuntu Linux.
Needs wkhtmltopdf to convert html to pdfs (to freeze contracts etc) apt-get install wkhtmltopdf ln -s /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf /usr/local/bin/html2pdf
Then run int/Initialise.php - this will create appropriate subdirectories and populate the database with appropriate initial tables and values
It tracks changes to the structure of the database and automatically updates as appropriate.
See int/AdminGuide.php for a lot more about the system admin
See festfiles/documentation.odt for a start at documenting the system
Does not include the data from the database, and most uploaded images under /images