documentation web site for cloudify 3.3.1
IMPORTANT! - We are using Hugo 0.14! Otherwise it won't work.
to run this project you need to make sure the following is installed:
- nodejs - version 0.10 and above is fine
- grunt -
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
- bower -
sudo npm install -g bower
- gohugo - version 0.14!
- clone this repository (the content repository)
- clone repository (the framework around the content)
now do the following steps:
- create a configuration file under
- alternatively, you can write the file wherever you want and export CONFIG_JSON variable that will point to its location
- go to root of
and run:bower cache clean && bower install
sudo npm cache clean && npm install
(first command as sudo and second not)
the config file looks like this:
"content" :
"root" : "/full/path/to/content/clone/root/folder"
and you're done. these things should be done only on the first time you setup your environment.
from time to time, you might need to run the bower
and npm
commands again in case the framework has changed.
if you get errors in the next step, running these commands and try again.
now, to start writing documentation, every time you will need to
- go to
clone and rungrunt server
from now on, you work on the
clone and push/pull changes from there. the framework will auto-sync
any feature branches, i.e. any branch whose name doesn't correspond to a version build (e.g. 3.3.1-build), are automatically staged online when they're pushed.
this lets you preview and share your changes before publishing them in the official public documentation.
your staging website is available at
don't worry about cluttering - stage websites are automatically removed after 21 days.
official documentation is published through the master branch and version build branches (e.g. 3.3.1-build).
the master branch is published to, which represents the latest (unstable) build
version build branches are published to, e.g. 3.3.1-build becomes
the pages are now divided to directories (e.g. 'plugins', 'intro'), where each directory represents a section on the site's left sidebar. Once a file is within a directory, it's automatically listed under the corresponding section
the order of pages in a section is determined by the 'weight' parameter, which is stored in each page metadata (Front Matter.) Remember, lower weight == higher priority
If there's a page you don't want to publish online, you can set
'draft: true'
in the page metadata -
To add a new section (directory,) you have to add it to the sidebar menu in the site project's config.toml. Currently, this is a site-wide file located at the repo, and cannot be configured per version.
A reference page is available for various content utilities at
However, this page is unpublished and only available in development mode
For your convenience, some of the utilities are also described below.
You can add custom fields to the page metadata and use these fields within the page.
page metadata (Front Matter):
title: my page
favorite_food: icecream
page content:
I love {{< field "favorite_food" >}}!
To add a link on a markdown page:
[some text]({{< relref "path/to/" >}})
where path/to/ is relative to the /content/ dir
- copy the image to /static/images/some/path/img.png
- on the markdown page:

To create a link that will always direct to the latest version of the docs use 'latest/' syntax:
[I'm a link](
[I'm a link](/latest/intro/what-is-cloudify)
Will direct to
is currently 3.3.1 .
check it out: I'm a link