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implement routing tree
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myguidingstar committed May 9, 2018
1 parent e9f029e commit 92fbba1
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 7 deletions.
95 changes: 88 additions & 7 deletions dev/src/conduit/intro.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
(ns conduit.intro
(:require [devcards.core :as dc :refer-macros [defcard]]
[ :as df]
[fulcro.client.routing :as r]
[conduit.handler.mutations :as mutations]
[ :as df]
[ :as net]
Expand All @@ -8,10 +10,84 @@
[conduit.ui.components :as comp]
[fulcro.client.dom :as dom]))

(defsc Me [this props]
{:query [{:user/whoami (prim/get-query comp/Profile)}
(defsc OwnedArticles [this {screen :screen user-id :user-id}]
{:initial-state (fn [params]
{:screen :screen.profile/owned-articles
:user-id 3})
:ident (fn [] [screen user-id])
:query [:screen :user-id]}
(dom/div {} (str "Owned articles for user #" user-id)))

(defsc LikedArticles [this {screen :screen user-id :user-id}]
{:initial-state (fn [params]
{:screen :screen.profile/liked-articles
:user-id 3})
:ident (fn [] [screen user-id])
:query [:screen :user-id]}
(dom/div {} (str "Liked articles by user #" user-id)))

(r/defrouter ProfileRouter :router/profile
[:screen :user-id]
:screen.profile/owned-articles OwnedArticles
:screen.profile/liked-articles LikedArticles)

(def ui-profile-router (prim/factory ProfileRouter))

(defsc ProfileMain [this {router :router/profile}]
{:initial-state (fn [params] {:screen :screen/profile
:screen-id :top
:router/profile (prim/get-initial-state ProfileRouter {})})
:query [:screen :screen-id {:router/profile (prim/get-query ProfileRouter)}]}
(dom/div {}
"Profile main"
(ui-profile-router router)))

(r/defrouter TopRouter :router/top
(fn [this props] [(:screen props) :top])
:screen/home comp/Home
:screen/profile ProfileMain)

(def ui-top (prim/factory TopRouter))

(def routing-tree
(r/make-route :screen/home
[(r/router-instruction :router/top [:screen/home :top])])
(r/make-route :screen.feed/global
[(r/router-instruction :router/top [:screen/home :top])
(r/router-instruction :router/feeds [:screen.feed/global :top])])
(r/make-route :screen.feed/personal
[(r/router-instruction :router/top [:screen/home :top])
(r/router-instruction :router/feeds [:screen.feed/personal :top])])

(r/make-route :screen.profile/owned-articles
[(r/router-instruction :router/top [:screen/profile :top])
(r/router-instruction :router/profile [:screen.profile/owned-articles :param/user-id])])
(r/make-route :screen.profile/liked-articles
[(r/router-instruction :router/top [:screen/profile :top])
(r/router-instruction :router/profile [:screen.profile/liked-articles :param/user-id])])))

(defn go-to-home [this]
(prim/transact! this `[(r/route-to {:handler :screen/home})]))

(defsc Root [this {router :router/top :as props}]
{:initial-state (fn [params] (merge routing-tree
{:screen.profile/owned-articles {2 {:screen :screen.profile/owned-articles :user-id 2}}
:screen.profile/liked-articles {2 {:screen :screen.profile/liked-articles :user-id 2}}}
{:router/top (prim/get-initial-state TopRouter {})}))
:query [{:router/top (prim/get-query TopRouter {})}
{:user/whoami (prim/get-query comp/Profile)}
{[:root/article-editor :article-to-edit] (prim/get-query comp/ArticleEditor)}]}
(let [user (get props :user/whoami)]
(dom/div {}
(dom/div {}
(dom/a {:onClick #(go-to-home this)} "Main")
(dom/a {:onClick #(prim/transact! this `[(r/route-to {:handler :screen.profile/liked-articles
:route-params {:user-id 2}})])} "Liked")
(dom/a {:onClick #(prim/transact! this `[(r/route-to {:handler :screen.profile/owned-articles
:route-params {:user-id 2}})])} "Owned"))
(ui-top router))
(dom/div {}
(dom/div {:onClick #(prim/transact! this `[(mutations/login {:email "[email protected]" :password "foobar"})])} "Login")
(dom/div {:onClick #(df/load this :user/whoami comp/Profile)} "Update me")
Expand All @@ -31,11 +107,16 @@
(assoc-in req [:headers "Authorization"] @token-store))

(defcard-fulcro yolo
{} ; initial state. Leave empty to use :initial-state from root component
{:inspect-data true
:fulcro {:networking {:remote (net/fulcro-http-remote {:url "/api"
:response-middleware (net/wrap-fulcro-response wrap-remember-token)
:request-middleware (net/wrap-fulcro-request wrap-with-token)
:fulcro {:started-callback
(fn [app]
(df/load app :articles/all comp/ArticlePreview)
(df/load app :articles/feed comp/ArticlePreview)
(df/load app :tags/all comp/Tag))
:networking {:remote (net/fulcro-http-remote
{:url "/api"
:response-middleware (net/wrap-fulcro-response wrap-remember-token)
:request-middleware (net/wrap-fulcro-request wrap-with-token)})}}})

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