Segundo proyecto requisito obligatorio para obtener la Information Security Certification de freecodecamp.
El proyecto consiste en crear dos API con los mรฉtodos GET, POST, PUT y DELETE para manipular threads de un board y replies para cada thread en dicho board. La primera API "escucha" en el siguiente path:
Dicha API permite obtener, crear, editar o eliminar threads para el board el cual es pasado como request parameter en la URL tambiรฉn en funciรณn de data pasada desde el front end y/o como query parameter.
La segunda API escucha en el siguiente path:
Dicha API permite obtener, crear, editar o eliminar replies para cada thread pasando el board en dicha ruta junto con data extra en funciรณn de lo que se desee realizar.
- Anonymous Message Board
- Tabla de Contenidos
- Requisitos de freecodecamp aprobados
- Deploy
- Proyecto Aprobado
- Tests funcionales aprobados
- Tests Funcionales Creados
- 1. Creating a new thread: POST request to /api/threads/{board}
- 2.Viewing the 10 most recent threads with 3 replies each: GET request to /api/threads/{board}
- 3.Deleting a thread with the incorrect password: DELETE request to /api/threads/{board} with an invalid delete_password
- 4.Deleting a thread with the correct password: DELETE request to /api/threads/{board} with a valid delete_password
- 5.Reporting a thread: PUT request to /api/threads/{board}
- 6.Creating a new reply: POST request to /api/replies/{board}
- 7.Viewing a single thread with all replies: GET request to /api/replies/{board}
- 8.Deleting a reply with the incorrect password: DELETE request to /api/replies/{board} with an invalid delete_password
- 9.Deleting a reply with the correct password: DELETE request to /api/replies/{board} with a valid delete_password
- 10.Reporting a reply: PUT request to /api/replies/{board}
- Screenshots
El proyecto lo he desplegado en mi cuenta gratuita en Render el cual tarda al menos 50 segundos en cargar para su utilizaciรณn despuรฉs de inactividad.
Tests funcionales aprobados en Render:
let id = null;
// Creating a new thread: POST request to /api/threads/{board}
test("Creating a new thread: POST request to /api/threads/{board}", function (done) {
text: "This is a new thread",
delete_password: "1234",
.end(function (err, res) {
id =;
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.body.text, "This is a new thread");
test("Viewing the 10 most recent threads with 3 replies each: GET request to /api/threads/{board}", function (done) {
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.isAtMost(res.body.length, 10);
assert.isAtMost(res.body[0].replies.length, 3);
3.Deleting a thread with the incorrect password: DELETE request to /api/threads/{board} with an invalid delete_password
test("Deleting a thread with the incorrect password: DELETE request to /api/threads/{board} with an invalid delete_password", function (done) {
thread_id: id,
delete_password: "incorrect_password",
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.text, "incorrect password");
4.Deleting a thread with the correct password: DELETE request to /api/threads/{board} with a valid delete_password
test("Deleting a thread with the correct password: DELETE request to /api/threads/{board} with a valid delete_password", function (done) {
thread_id: id,
delete_password: "1234",
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.text, "success");
test("Reporting a thread: PUT request to /api/threads/{board}", function (done) {
thread_id: id,
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.text, "reported");
test("Creating a new reply: POST request to /api/replies/{board}", function (done) {
text: "This is a new thread",
delete_password: "1234",
.end(function (err, res) {
id =;
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.body.text, "This is a new thread");
// crear una nueva respuesta
thread_id: id,
text: "This is a new reply",
delete_password: "1234",
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.text, "success");
test("Viewing a single thread with all replies: GET request to /api/replies/{board}", function (done) {
.get("/api/replies/test?thread_id=" + id)
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.body._id, id);
assert.equal(res.body.board, "test");
// verificar si replies es un arreglo
// verificar que el campo reported sea undefined
assert.isUndefined(res.body.reported, undefined);
// verificar que el campo delete_password sea undefined
assert.isUndefined(res.body.delete_password, undefined);
8.Deleting a reply with the incorrect password: DELETE request to /api/replies/{board} with an invalid delete_password
test("Deleting a reply with the incorrect password: DELETE request to /api/replies/{board} with an invalid delete_password", function (done) {
thread_id: id,
reply_id: id,
delete_password: "incorrect_password",
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.text, "incorrect password");
9.Deleting a reply with the correct password: DELETE request to /api/replies/{board} with a valid delete_password
let id_reply = null;
test("Deleting a reply with the correct password: DELETE request to /api/replies/{board} with a valid delete_password", function (done) {
// crear una nueva reply
thread_id: id,
text: "This is a new reply",
delete_password: "1234",
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.text, "success");
// obtener la id de la respuesta
.get("/api/replies/test?thread_id=" + id)
.end(function (err, res) {
//obtener el id de la respuesta en el primer elemento del array replies
id_reply = res.body.replies[0]._id;
thread_id: id,
reply_id: id_reply,
delete_password: "1234",
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.text, "success");
test("Reporting a reply: PUT request to /api/replies/{board}", function (done) {
// crear una nueva reply
thread_id: id,
text: "This is a new reply",
delete_password: "1234",
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.text, "success");
// obtener la id de la respuesta
.get("/api/replies/test?thread_id=" + id)
.end(function (err, res) {
//obtener el id de la respuesta en el primer elemento del array replies
id_reply = res.body.replies[0]._id;
//reportar la reply creada
thread_id: id,
reply_id: id_reply,
.end(function (err, res) {
assert.equal(res.status, 200);
assert.equal(res.text, "reported");