genral Management Information System (通用管理信息系统)
It is a general Management Information System based on -GWA2 with powerful and configurable I/O.
“In a demand-driven opinion, we faced increasing requests of creating enormous table-based management tools for operation teams in years of 2005-2010 at ChinaM, an affiliate of Telstra in Beijing.
Those shared some common functions and most of them just needed to achieve basic goals (CURDLS) for a table. So we conducted many practices to find one to meet this kind of demand, for all, forever.”
-NatureDNS: -gMIS , -吉密斯 (jí mì sī in Chinese pinyin), -鸡觅食
gMIS 吉米斯
This project has been started and pondered during the study in Univ. of Derby, 2011,
and it is based on some observations and demands from ChinaM, prior to 2010.
In the short time in Sina Corp.,
and it has been created from top to down and the polishing work are continuing and lasting till now.
gMIS Documents & Reference online
gMIS +自动层级目录
gMNIS +删除确认、删除异步及删除延时,delete confirm,aysnc and delay
-gMIS 更新:字符串处理,op字段及github
-gMIS更新:getSelectOption, getTblRotateName, 附件管理, toExecl等
-gMIS更新兼容Strict SQL Mode
Please put all files under a sub directory and init from the script ./install.php
Download all its contents and put them under a single folder, then edit inc/ to customize it.