A sandbox project to evaluate the Kotlin multiplatform capabilities
Do not change android project name during creation of multiplatform project. then it wont ne bossible to import it to the Android Studio
$ gradle wrapper --gradle-version 6.5.1
Install CocoaPods. It's recommended to use CocoaPods 1.6.1 or higher.
Navigate to the SandboxSDK directory and run
$ ./gradlew podspec
A podspec file for the Kotlin/Native library will be generated.
Navigate to the iosApp directory and install the dependencies. The generated podspec is already added to the Podfile, so just run
$ pod install
Open ios-app.xcworkspace in Xcode and run the build.
The plugin generates a static framework as default. To use dynamic one just delete the line in podspec file:
spec.static_framework = true
or replace it with:
spec.static_framework = false
- Invoke-customs are only supported starting with Android O (--min-api 26) -- set 'minSdkVersion = 26' in 'android.defaultConfig.minSdkVersion' (google/ExoPlayer#6913)