Disney's Treasure Planet - Battle at Procyon - Windows PC game (2002) - Disney Interactive
The original game came in a CD format and was installed. By downloading this repository you will be able to play the game, and even make tweaks by editing .WOT files to customize gameplay. Disney Interactive and Barking Dog Studios made the game customisable through conditions.
You can access the customized version that will be continue to be customized. You can also signup and create issues and open PULL REQUESTS/MERGE REQUESTS to input your ideas at:
Personal contributions are done out of curiosity and enjoyment. Customisations can render fair-game-play off. Certain ships/weapons are overpowered, underpriced which means the player and computer can have a lot of them which can make the game challenging - or have a fun and simple overpowered shoot-up.
Choosing from a fixed skirmish map you can happen to be matched up with hardened ships and find yourself not in one making things challenging. Playing on a historical customisable map you can outnumber yourself and arm yourself with a one-man ship and challenge yourself, or have a heated shoot-up.
The original release is tagged as 0.1 - or is on this repository at GitHub.
Robotic Rampage has made customisations that have been shared on YouTube and are currently only present on GitLab (which is open to PULL REQUESTS so you can contribute). Robot Rampage's contributions include new MAPS and areas. There are few item customisations. Other customisations by repository owner include ship hull integrity, on-board weapon slots, ship speed and turning rate, etc.
I do not take credit from Robotic Rampage's work, and his YouTube channel can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Q-fQFMkBjtHLk_B1e0ADA - here you can see the stuff he has shared with the public, and you can see where credit is due within the GitLab repository.