Do for all Using Libraries
Under Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings > MCU GCC Linker > Libraries add the library search path -L
Under Project ==> Properties ==> C/C++ General ==> Paths and Symbol ==> Includes ==> GNU C ==> Add…, then paste the folder path where your header file located. (C:\Users\vkaiser\Documents_LocalRepo_STM32_Libraries\stm32-ssd1306)
Under Project ==> Properties ==> C/C++ General ==> Paths and Symbol ==> Source Location ==> Link Folder ==> Check Link to folder…, then paste the folder path where .c loacted at the second textbar. (C:\Users\vkaiser\Documents_LocalRepo_STM32_Libraries\Adafruit_SSD1306)
JP5: USB Power CN10:
- PB8 (I2C1_SCL) - pin 2 (From top left)
- PB9 (I2C1_SDA) - pin 3 (From top left)
- VDD 5V - pin 9 (From top Right)
- GND - pin 10 (From top Right)
- I2C1 Enabled