Using one SAMD20 and one SAMD21 Xplained pro demo boards, (one as Master, one as Slave) and communicating over I2C. Example from AT11628
Starting with the Demo Board, ideally port to Userboard
- New GCC C ASF Board Project
- Choose SAMD21J18 -> Xplained Pro ATSAMD21J18A and verify LED Toggle with SW0 is working.
- Master will transmit a data buffer of a few bytes to the slave.
- Slave will re-transmit the same data buffer to the master.
- Using SERCOM2 (PA08 = SDA, PA09 = SCL). These I2C lines are available on all 3 EXT headers on the Xplained Pro board, can use any.
- SAMD21 Xplained pro has on-board 4.7k pullup resistors on I2C lines (R305, R306) (Left of PB06 on EXT1) which have been replaced with 2k pullup resistors to improve signal timing.
For the SAMD21J18A: worst case (Fast Mode) tr = 100ns, Cb = 400pF,
Master and slave application uses OSC8M as the clock source for Generator 0 (Undivided = 8MHz)
Take care - there is an error in 5.1.6 regarding the pin_set_peripheral_function. See source code
Switch pin functionality to peripheral function D (SERCOM-ALT: i2c) per datasheet Follow I2C Configuration Steps in Datasheet (pg 553)
Configure CTRL Reg A: i2C STANDARD_MODE_FAST_MODE (100-400khz), SDA Hold (300-600ns); Runstandby clock enabled in sleep; I2C Config as Master
Configure CTRL Reg B: SMart Mode Enabled
Configure Sync busy (wait until not busy)
Configure BAUD rate: We are configuring the SCL clock.
) So if fSCL = 1MHz, fGCLK = 48MHz and trise = 100ns we can calculate that 2BAUD = about 33
If BAUD and BAUDLOW are being configured separately (eg for high speed or fast+ mode): Convention seems to be that t_{low} is approx 2x t_{high} (per data sheets) Therefore, BAUD = 11, BAUDLOW = 22.
Note: It is recommended to set the slave's baud rate higher than the master baud rate and give a sufficient margin to meet the I2C timing.
Interrupt Enable on Master-on-bus and Slave-on-bus. pg610/611 of datasheet Enable SERCOM interrupts
- Create a global iteration count variable (uint8_t i)
- Create global boolean values rx_done, tx_done (init to false)
Setup the ACK behavio. The ACKACT field is used to define the I2C master’s acknowledge behavior after a data byte is received from the I2C slave. The acknowledge action will be executed when a command is written to CTRLB.CMD bits or after a transfer with Smart Mode is enabled. After a data byte is received. Wait for sync
This will override the weak definition of the interrupt handler from the device specific header files
Once the Slave Address has been written to the register, we have initiated a transfer and triggered the interrupt. The SERCOM2_Handler controls the data transfer process of buffer length (counted by i ) until all data has been transferred. Then it sets tx_done to true, and returns to the master_transaction function, exiting the while loop.
Repeat similarly for RX: Continue sending bytes until complete. Check for last byte and send ACK/STOP when appropriate. Return to transaction function.
There's a calculate Baud function to calculate baud rate integer. Use that for lower speeds, use the high/low for higher speeds (unsupported by SAMD20) Any globals or #defines used in the functions need to be added, as well as any prototypes. Otherwise MASTER seems to be completed. Compiles and loads successfully; works with SAMD20 I2C Slave