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Mallikarjunarao Kosuri committed Jan 17, 2016
1 parent 0c1b550 commit c198f41
Showing 1 changed file with 332 additions and 0 deletions.
332 changes: 332 additions & 0 deletions robot_keywords.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
@author Mallikarjunarao Kosuri <[email protected]>
@version 1.0
RF 3.0 Keywords
"Add Element"
"Add Time To Date"
"Add Time To Time"
"Append To Environment Variable"
"Append To File"
"Append To List"
"Call Method"
"Clear Element"
"Close All Connections"
"Close Connection"
"Combine Lists"
"Continue For Loop If"
"Continue For Loop"
"Convert Date"
"Convert Time"
"Convert To Binary"
"Convert To Boolean"
"Convert To Bytes"
"Convert To Dictionary"
"Convert To Hex"
"Convert To Integer"
"Convert To List"
"Convert To Lowercase"
"Convert To Number"
"Convert To Octal"
"Convert To String"
"Convert To Uppercase"
"Copy Dictionary"
"Copy Directory"
"Copy Element"
"Copy File"
"Copy Files"
"Copy List"
"Count Directories In Directory"
"Count Files In Directory"
"Count Items In Directory"
"Count Values In List "
"Create Binary File"
"Create Dictionary"
"Create Directory"
"Create File"
"Create List"
"Decode Bytes To String"
"Dictionaries Should Be Equal"
"Dictionary Should Contain Item"
"Dictionary Should Contain Key"
"Dictionary Should Contain Sub Dictionary"
"Dictionary Should Contain Value"
"Dictionary Should Not Contain Key"
"Dictionary Should Not Contain Value"
"Directory Should Be Empty"
"Directory Should Exist"
"Directory Should Not Be Empty"
"Directory Should Not Exist"
"Element Attribute Should Be"
"Element Attribute Should Match"
"Element Should Exist"
"Element Should Not Exist"
"Element Should Not Have Attribute"
"Element Text Should Be"
"Element Text Should Match"
"Element To String"
"Elements Should Be Equal"
"Elements Should Match"
"Empty Directory"
"Encode String To Bytes"
"Environment Variable Should Be Set"
"Environment Variable Should Not Be Set"
"Evaluate Xpath"
"Execute Command"
"Execute Manual Step"
"Exit For Loop If"
"Exit For Loop"
"Fatal Error"
"Fetch From Left"
"Fetch From Right"
"File Should Be Empty"
"File Should Exist"
"File Should Not Be Empty"
"File Should Not Exist"
"Generate Random String"
"Get Binary File"
"Get Child Elements"
"Get Count"
"Get Current Date"
"Get Dictionary Items"
"Get Dictionary Keys"
"Get Dictionary Values"
"Get Element Attribute"
"Get Element Attributes"
"Get Element Count"
"Get Element Text"
"Get Element"
"Get Elements Texts"
"Get Elements"
"Get Environment Variable"
"Get Environment Variables"
"Get File Size"
"Get File"
"Get From Dictionary"
"Get From List"
"Get Index From List"
"Get Length"
"Get Library Instance"
"Get Line"
"Get Line Count"
"Get Lines Containing String"
"Get Lines Matching Pattern"
"Get Lines Matching Regexp"
"Get Match Count"
"Get Matches"
"Get Modified Time"
"Get Process Id"
"Get Process Object"
"Get Process Result"
"Get Regexp Matches"
"Get Selection From User"
"Get Slice From List"
"Get Substring"
"Get Time"
"Get Value From User"
"Get Variable Value"
"Get Variables"
"Grep File"
"Import Library"
"Import Resource"
"Import Variables"
"Insert Into List "
"Is Process Running"
"Join Command Line"
"Join Path"
"Join Paths"
"Keep In Dictionary "
"Keyword Should Exist"
"Length Should Be"
"List Directories In Directory"
"List Directory"
"List Files In Directory"
"List Should Contain Sub List"
"List Should Contain Value "
"List Should Not Contain Duplicates "
"List Should Not Contain Value "
"Lists Should Be Equal"
"Log Dictionary"
"Log Element"
"Log Environment Variables"
"Log File"
"Log List"
"Log Many"
"Log To Console"
"Log Variables"
"Move Directory"
"Move File"
"Move Files"
"No Operation"
"Normalize Path"
"Open Connection"
"Parse Xml"
"Pass Execution If"
"Pass Execution"
"Pause Execution"
"Pop From Dictionary"
"Process Should Be Running"
"Process Should Be Stopped"
"Read Process Output"
"Read Until Prompt"
"Read Until Regexp"
"Read Until"
"Regexp Escape"
"Reload Library"
"Remove Directory"
"Remove Duplicates"
"Remove Element Attribute"
"Remove Element Attributes"
"Remove Element"
"Remove Elements Attribute"
"Remove Elements Attributes"
"Remove Elements"
"Remove Environment Variable"
"Remove File"
"Remove Files"
"Remove From Dictionary"
"Remove From List"
"Remove String"
"Remove String Using Regexp"
"Remove Tags"
"Remove Values From List"
"Repeat Keyword"
"Replace String"
"Replace String Using Regexp"
"Replace Variables"
"Return From Keyword If"
"Return From Keyword"
"Reverse List"
"Run And Return Rc And Output"
"Run And Return Rc"
"Run Keyword And Continue On Failure"
"Run Keyword And Expect Error"
"Run Keyword And Ignore Error"
"Run Keyword And Return If"
"Run Keyword And Return Status"
"Run Keyword And Return"
"Run Keyword If All Critical Tests Passed"
"Run Keyword If All Tests Passed"
"Run Keyword If Any Critical Tests Failed"
"Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed"
"Run Keyword If Test Failed"
"Run Keyword If Test Passed"
"Run Keyword If Timeout Occurred"
"Run Keyword If"
"Run Keyword If"
"Run Keyword Unless"
"Run Keyword"
"Run Keywords"
"Run Process"
"Save Xml"
"Send Signal To Process"
"Set Default Log Level"
"Set Element Attribute"
"Set Element Tag"
"Set Element Text"
"Set Elements Attribute"
"Set Elements Tag"
"Set Elements Text"
"Set Encoding"
"Set Environment Variable"
"Set Global Variable"
"Set Library Search Order"
"Set List Value"
"Set Log Level"
"Set Modified Time"
"Set Newline"
"Set Prompt"
"Set Screenshot Directory"
"Set Suite Documentation"
"Set Suite Metadata"
"Set Suite Variable"
"Set Tags"
"Set Telnetlib Log Level"
"Set Test Documentation"
"Set Test Message"
"Set Test Variable"
"Set Timeout"
"Set To Dictionary"
"Set Variable If"
"Set Variable"
"Should Be Byte String"
"Should Be Empty"
"Should Be Equal As Integers"
"Should Be Equal As Numbers"
"Should Be Equal As Strings"
"Should Be Equal"
"Should Be Equal"
"Should Be Lowercase"
"Should Be String"
"Should Be Titlecase"
"Should Be True"
"Should Be True"
"Should Be Unicode String"
"Should Be Uppercase"
"Should Contain Match"
"Should Contain X Times"
"Should Contain"
"Should End With"
"Should Exist"
"Should Match Regexp"
"Should Match"
"Should Not Be Empty"
"Should Not Be Equal As Integers"
"Should Not Be Equal As Numbers"
"Should Not Be Equal As Strings"
"Should Not Be Equal"
"Should Not Be Equal"
"Should Not Be String"
"Should Not Be True"
"Should Not Be True"
"Should Not Contain Match"
"Should Not Contain"
"Should Not End With"
"Should Not Exist"
"Should Not Match Regexp"
"Should Not Match"
"Should Not Start With"
"Should Start With"
"Sort List"
"Split Command Line"
"Split Extension"
"Split Path"
"Split String"
"Split String From Right"
"Split String To Characters"
"Split To Lines"
"Start Process"
"Start Process"
"Stop All Processes"
"Stop Process"
"Subtract Date From Date"
"Subtract Time From Date"
"Subtract Time From Time"
"Switch Connection"
"Switch Process"
"Switch Process"
"Take Screenshot Without Embedding"
"Take Screenshot"
"Terminate All Processes"
"Terminate Process"
"Variable Should Exist"
"Variable Should Not Exist"
"Wait For Process"
"Wait Until Created"
"Wait Until Keyword Succeeds"
"Wait Until Removed"
"Write Bare"
"Write Control Character"
"Write Until Expected Output"

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