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GitHub Repository for simulation platform following Robocup Junior Rescue Line competition

Important Links (make sure to check descriptions of YouTube videos for further important links):

For everyone:

For those using Blockly (drag-and-drop programming):

For those using C++/Python (Java not explicitly covered, but still applicable):

Important Features:

  • Custom color and distance sensor
    • Add object, use Custom PROTO Node
  • All Robocup Junior Rescue Line scoring features are implemented
    • E.g. speed bumps, debris, see-saw, intersections, obstacles, etc.
  • Evacuation room and robot scoop
    • Add on a robot scoop using robot's extensionSlot group (just like a sensor)
  • Blockly drag-and-drop programming
    • Open Scene Tree, right click on BlocklySupervisor Robot, click Show Robot Window
  • Scoring window to track points
    • Open Scene Tree, right click on GameSupervisor Robot, click Show Robot Window
  • Manual Scoring
    • Pop-up window to manually count score and call lack of progresses
    • To enable manual scoring:
      1. Open the Scene Tree, click on the drop-down for "DEF GameSupervisor Robot", and type "Game_Supervisor" into the controller field. Then, be sure to save your world (Ctrl+Shift+S).
      2. Open the Scene Tree, click on the drop-down for "DEF GameSupervisor Robot", and type "MANUAL" into the description field. Then, be sure to save your world (Ctrl+Shift+S).
    • To open the pop-up window, right click on "DEF GameSupervisor Robot" and click on "Show Robot Window"
  • Automatic Scoring
    • Only worlds named "AutoScoring" support automatic scoring
    • To enable automatic scoring:
      1. Open the Scene Tree, click on the drop-down for "DEF GameSupervisor Robot", and type "Game_Supervisor" into the controller field. Then, be sure to save your world (Ctrl+Shift+S).
    • The automatically compiled scoring results will be put in a .csv file (Excel file) in the folder "Webots-Line\worlds\results"
  • Map generator
    • Navigate to the line_generator folder, run