This is a webservice to maintain and assign delivery executives to orders based on their location, time of order and wait time
- Summary of set up npm install
- Configuration Add or Edit ./server/config.env_name.json for environment specific configurations
- Dependencies All the dependencies are listed in package.json and get downloaded to node_modules on running npm install
- Database configuration Add or Edit ./server/database.env_name.json file for environment specific configurations
- How to run tests Deploy the server and then run npm test(from within the same folder)
- Deployment instructions NODE_ENV=local node .
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines
- Contrbuters Ved Mulkalwar [email protected]
- Repo owner or admin Ved Mulkalwar
- Link of interactive UI explorer for APIs http://localhost:3000/explorer
- Upload available delivery executives POST http://localhost:3000/api/free_delivery_executives/addData with body having JSON array inside key->data
- Upload new orders POST http://localhost:3000/api/pending_orders/addData with body having JSON array inside key->daya