LorAPRS tracker with GPS,
Atmega 168/328 with 11.0592 MHz XTAL at 3.3 volts. (Or any 3.3 volts Atmega)
- Support Lora carrier detect and collision avoiding using persistance and slottime, just like standard APRS
- Compatible with ASCII packet format LoRa-APRS-tracker and binary/AX25 format sh123/esp32_loraprs select in project.h
- Use Mic-E SSID digipeating(25 bytes) or standard path (32 bytes) or no path.
- Use UBlox GPS at 9600bps.
- Beacon interval is fixed, but in next version use Smartbeaconing.
- Send status packet too at fixed interval. (voltage or Sat status with comment)
Configure tracker with project.h file.
I use also DigiPro as digipeater(same PCB) and Lorakiss as Kiss-over-IP Lora modem, hooked to APRX on a raspberry pi to create a dual-port igate with Direwolf.