Release 2.7.1
Who's Who screen
- Added support for a new role for club officers called "Other" (needed for fgDeGender).
Readme screen
- Updated Dutch and English versions of the text
- Fixed screen size on iPad under iOS 18 (using presentationSizing)
- Updated several screenshots
- Added "optional" to Level 1 example (although it hasn't been implemented yet)
Preferences screen
- Fixed screen size on iPad under iOS 18 (using presentationSizing)
Code Maintenance
- Added "optional:" keyword to level1.json files. Reason: easier to read and helps document the format.
- Consequence: users who don't want to or can't upgrade to newer versions get marginally reduced functionality.
- Tested on SwiftLint 0.57.1 and iOS 18.2 RC (22C150) and Xcode 16.2 beta (16C5023f) and MacOS 15.1.1
- SwiftJSON imported as an external package. Preceding versions included it as a single Swift source file.
- Entered trader status (not a trader) in Apple App Store. And accepted new terms and conditions.
- Minor update to OrganizationType.swift (to stay in sync with Photo-Club-Hub-HTML).
- removed Organization parameter from Photographer.createFindUpdate() as it was used for debugging only.
- set LSMinimumSystemVersion to (MacOS) 15.0.0 in case the app is run on a Mac.
- removed 7 source files that were no longer used
- renamed isScrollLocked to isMapScrollLocked in data model
- Level 2 support for photographerImage added. Not shown in the user interface yet.
- removed temproot.level1.json file (needed for beta testing build 4632/4633)
Data Maintenance
- Added website for member WH in fgDeGender and added a few birthdays (not visible yet in user interface).
- Added 14 photo clubs in Brabant Oost (NL).
- Fixed web site URL for Collectief Brabant and Fotogroep Oirschot.
- Added examples of a remark to fgDeGender.level2.json file. Not needed, but nice if the file is used as a template.
This build #4634 was built using Xcode 16.2 and was distributed via the App Store.