Hi! This project was created as one of the implementations of the Chrome Dino game (included in the delivery of Google's Chrome browser), and has several differences from other implementations and alterations in that it is closer to the original in terms of movement.
This project is a reworking of another project where I was inspired to create my own implementation (link to the project), and it is a reworking of the project into another programming language (Python) instead of JavaScript. For the most part, only the database is implemented in the project, so you can make a fork and supplement it. For example, by adding something new, or by adding what is in the original game.
WahidSaeed Thank you for creating the database and the exciting experience of rewriting one project into another programming language!
Don't swear too much: the project was made literally on the knee, and on interest, and in places it can be artefacted, frizzed and sprinkled with errors. You can always do better.
- First of all, clone the repository using:
git clone https://github.com/vberezinbadger/Chrome-Dino-Python.git
OR Download the Zip and extract it's contents.
- Then download the dependencies in your Command Prompt OR Terminal using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- After installation, just run the
python main.py
Here I'll just leave the project plan: the implemented functionality, and what I'm already doing. You can consider these spoilers for the project.
The main base of the project
- The project engine
- Basic logic
- Control of the game
Effects, sounds and animations
- Implementation of animations
- Sounds in the game (points, jump, loss)
- Smooth transitions of the time cycle in the game
What I want to implement
- Dinosaur's Computer Vision
- A more competent implementation of obstacle generation
- Reorganize the project: make a modular system to simplify the code by dividing it into modules
- Organize the work of sprites and assets for the game
The project runs on all operating systems in graphical mode. Run it on Windows, macOS and Linux systems.
This project works on all operating systems with Python 3.12
and higher installed. I strongly recommend not using versions older than the recommended one: the project may not start or will start, but with errors.