Welcome to the Astrology Website! This website offers astrology services, including personalized readings, horoscopes, and appointment booking. It is built using React, Mongoose, Node.js, Express, Material-UI, Bootstrap, Formik, Redux with Redux Toolkit, and react-router-dom.
- Appointment Booking: Users can book appointments with professional astrologers for personalized readings and consultations.
- Astrological Information: Access a wealth of astrological information, including horoscopes, zodiac signs, and astrological charts.
- User Authentication: Secure user authentication is implemented for personalized experiences and booking management.
- Responsive Design: The website is built with Material-UI and Bootstrap, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing layout across different devices.
- Form Handling: Utilize Formik for efficient handling of forms, providing a seamless user experience.
- State Management: Redux with Redux Toolkit is implemented for efficient state management, ensuring smooth data flow and handling complex application states.
- Dynamic Routing: The website utilizes react-router-dom to support dynamic routing and seamless navigation between different sections.
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment for server-side execution.
- Express: Fast and minimalist web application framework for Node.js.
- Material-UI: UI library with pre-built components for a polished user interface.
- Bootstrap: CSS framework for responsive and modern web design.
- Formik: Library for building dynamic and interactive forms in React.
- Redux with Redux Toolkit: State management library for predictable and efficient handling of application state.
- react-router-dom: Routing library for React applications, enabling dynamic routing and navigation.
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