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Apache Spark Benchmarking
The talk by Dongwon Kim from POSTECH at the Flink Forward conference on October 13, 23015 provides the most up-to-date performance of Flink vs. Spark vs. Tez: A comparative performance evaluation of Flink, Dongwon Kim, POSTECH. http://www.slideshare.net/FlinkForward/dongwon-kim-a-comparative-performance-evaluation-of-flink
Apache Flink outperforms Apache Spark in processing machine learning & graph algorithms and relational queries but not in batch processing! The results were published in the proceedings of the 18th International Conference, Business Information Systems 2015, Poznaล, Poland, June 24-26, 2015. Thanks to our friend Google, Chapter 3: Evaluating New Approaches of Big Data Analytics Frameworks by Norman Spangenberg, Martin Roth and Bogdan Franczyk is available for preview at http://goo.gl/WocQci on pages 28-37.
Some first numbers on performance of streaming jobs with Apache Flink here from the Apache Software Foundation: http://flink.apache.org/features.html , lots more are here: http://data-artisans.com/high-throughput-low-latency-and-exactly-once-stream-processing-with-apache-flink/
TeraSort on Hadoop Map Reduce, Tez, Apache Spark and Apache Flink. Guess who had best performance? ApacheFlink! http://goo.gl/yBS6ZC
Hash join on Tez, Spark, and Flink. Guess who had best performance? ApacheFlink! http://goo.gl/a0d6RR
Grep log for 3 terms in a 25 node cluster while scaling data size from 100GB to 1 TB Flink was faster with its more efficient pipelining http://de.slideshare.net/KostasTzoumas/apache-flink-api-runtime-and-project-roadmap/35
There is some work started by some Flink contributors to create some performance scripts for Flink, Spark, and MapReduce here: There is Apache Flink: Performance and Testing No results published yet.
Big Data Benchmark: Geotemporal Clustering http://blog.mgm-tp.com/2016/01/big-data-benchmark-geotemporal-clustering/ Matthias Kricke and Paul Rรถwer, January 15, 2016
Iterative processing http://de.slideshare.net/KostasTzoumas/apache-flink-api-runtime-and-project-roadmap/42 Flink is faster than Spark for iterative processing.
The institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences released a benchmark for big data systems called BigDataBench, which has become an industry-standard big data benchmark in China. http://prof.ict.ac.cn/BigDataBench/
They are planning to support Flink in their benchmark! This could provide a set of workloads on different domains and an objective comparison with systems such as Spark and Hadoop.
'Plataformas de Big Data: Spark, Storm e Flink' Article in Portuguese by Jean Bez from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul published on July 15, 2015 shows 2 examples in which Flink outperforms Spark by factor of 2 and 7 respectively. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280052790_Plataformas_de_Big_Data_Spark_Storm_e_Flink
Big Data Performance Engineering Examples from Hadoop, Pig, HBase, Flink and Spark http://www.bigsynapse.com/addressing-big-data-performance Posted on August 16, 2015 by Sameer Wadkar
Benchmarking Streaming Computation Engines at Yahoo! http://yahooeng.tumblr.com/post/135321837876/benchmarking-streaming-computation-engines-at December 16, 2015 Code at github: https://github.com/yahoo/streaming-benchmarks
Evaluating cloud frameworks on genomic applications http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7363756 Michele Bertoni, Stefano Ceri, Abdurrahman Kaitoua, Pietro Pinoli 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 193-202
Batch processing comparison - Apache Spark vs. Apache Flink Apache Flink vs Apache Spark - Reproducible experiments on cloud Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/shelan1/apache-flink-vs-apache-spark-reproducible-experiments-on-cloud Blog: http://shelan.org/blog/2016/01/31/reproducible-experiment-to-compare-apache-spark-and-apache-flink-batch-processing/ Report: http://www.scribd.com/doc/297923938/Apache-Spark-vs-Apache-Flink-Reproducible-Experiments-on-cloud
Spark versus Flink: Understanding Performance in Big Data Analytics Frameworks https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01347638/file/clusterFS.pdf
Apache Flink: Distributed Stream Data Processing, K.M.J. Jacobs, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. https://cds.cern.ch/record/2208322/files/report.pdf
Functional Comparison and Performance Evaluation of Streaming Frameworks. October 6, 2016 http://www.slideshare.net/HuafengWang/functional-comparison-and-performance-evaluation-of-streaming-frameworks.