Repository for Session on "Processing text and text as data" and "Topic modeling" for COST Action Training School in Salamanca, Spain.
📚 1_Slides_Processing text and text as data: Contains slides for respective session
📚 2_Reading list_Processing text and text as data: Contains reading list for respective session. Please make sure to read the required text before the respective session.
💻 3_R Code_Processing text and text as data: Contains R code for respective session via Colab Notebook.
💻 4_Python Code_Processing text and text as data: Contains Python code for respective session via Colab Notebook.
📝 data_tvseries : Contains CSV-dataset on best rated TV series. Provided under MIT license via Kaggle.
📚 1_Slides_Topic modeling: Contains slides for respective session
📚 2_Reading list_Topic modeling: Contains reading list for respective session. Please make sure to read the required text before the respective session.
💻 3_R Code_Topic modeling: Contains R code for respective session via Colab Notebook.
💻 4_Python Code_Topic modeling: Contains Python code for respective session via Colab Notebook.
📝 data_tvseries : Contains CSV-dataset on best rated TV series. Provided under MIT license via Kaggle.