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Assignment-09-Association-Rules-Data-Mining-my_movies. Apriori Algorithm. Association rules with 10% Support and 70% confidence. Association rules with 5% Support and 90% confidence. Lift Ratio > 1…
Supervised-ML-Decision-Tree-C5.0-Entropy-Iris-Flower-Using Entropy Criteria - Classification Model. Import Libraries and data set, EDA, Apply Label Encoding, Model Building - Building/Training Deci…
NLP: Sentiment Analysis or Emotion Mining on Amazon Product Reviews - Part-1. Let’s learn the NLP techniques to perform Sentiment Analysis or Emotion Mining on extracted Product Reviews from Amazon…
Text-Mining-Amazon-Reviews-using-Scrapy. Ever wondered? Life would be easier if there could be ways to know how well your product performs and what do people feel about your product? The Solution -…
Assignment-11-Text-Mining-01-Elon-Musk, Perform sentimental analysis on the Elon-musk tweets (Exlon-musk.csv), Text Preprocessing: remove both the leading and the trailing characters, removes empty…
Unsupervised-ML-Recommendation-System-Data-Mining-Movies. Recommend movies based on the ratings: Sort by User IDs, number of unique users in the dataset, number of unique movies in the dataset, Imp…
Assignment-10-Recommendation-System-Data-Mining-books. Recommend a best book based on the ratings: Sort by User IDs, number of unique users in the dataset, number of unique books in the dataset, co…
Unsupervised-ML-t-SNE-Data-Mining-Cancer. Import Libraries, Import Dataset, Convert data to array format, Separate array into input and output components, TSNE implementation, Cluster Visualization
Association Rules Data Mining (Groceries). Converting the data frame into a list of lists, Using Transactionencoder to transform this dataset into a logical data frame, Building the data frame: row…
Association-Rules-Data-Mining-Books. Apriori Algorithm, Association rules with 10% Support and 70% confidence, Association rules with 20% Support and 60% confidence, Association rules with 5% Suppo…
Unsupervised-ML---PCA-Data-Mining-Univ. Import Dataset, Converting data to numpy array, Normalizing the numerical data, Applying PCA Fit Transform to dataset, PCA Components matrix or covariance Ma…
Unsupervised-ML---Association-Rules-Data-Mining-Titanic. Data Preprocessing: As the data is categorical format, we are using One Hot Encoding to convert into numerical format. Apriori Algorithm: fr…
Assignment-08-PCA-Data-Mining-Wine data. Perform Principal component analysis and perform clustering using first 3 principal component scores (both heirarchial and k mean clustering(scree plot or e…
Unsupervised-ML---DBSCAN-Clustering-Wholesale-Customers. Import Libraries, Import Dataset, Normalize heterogenous numerical data using standard scalar fit transform to dataset, DBSCAN Clustering, N…
Assignment-07-DBSCAN-Clustering-Crimes. Perform Clustering for the crime data and identify the number of clusters formed and draw inferences.
Unsupervised-ML---K-Means-Clustering-Non-Hierarchical-Clustering-Univ. Use Elbow Graph to find optimum number of clusters (K value) from K values range. The K-means algorithm aims to choose centroi…
Assignment-07-K-Means-Clustering-Airlines. Perform clustering (K means clustering) for the airlines data to obtain optimum number of clusters. Draw the inferences from the clusters obtained. The fi…
Unsupervised-ML---Hierarchical-Clustering-University Data. Import libraries, Import dataset, Create Normalized data frame (considering only the numerical part of data), Create dendrograms, Create C…
Assignment-07-Clustering-Hierarchical-Airlines. Perform clustering (hierarchical) for the airlines data to obtain optimum number of clusters. Draw the inferences from the clusters obtained. Data De…
Supervised-ML---Logistic-Regression---Appointing-Attorney-or-not. EDA, Model Building, Model Predictions, Testing Model Accuracy, ROC Curve plotting and finding AUC value.
Assignment-06-Logistic-Regression. Output variable -> y y -> Whether the client has subscribed a term deposit or not Binomial ("yes" or "no") Attribute information For bank dataset Input variables:…
Supervised-ML---Multiple-Linear-Regression---Toyota-Cars. EDA, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model Validation Techniques, Collinearity Problem Check, Residual Analysis, Model…
Supervised-ML---Multiple-Linear-Regression---Cars-dataset. Model MPG of a car based on other variables. EDA, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model Validation Techniques, Collin…
Assignment-05-Multiple-Linear-Regression-2. Prepare a prediction model for profit of 50_startups data. Do transformations for getting better predictions of profit and make a table containing R^2 va…
Multiple-Linear-Regression-1. Consider only the below columns and prepare a prediction model for predicting Price of Toyota Corolla.
vaitybharati / incubator
Forked from cnstlungu/incubatorProof of concepts and ideas
Supervised-ML---Simple-Linear-Regression---Waist-Circumference-Adipose-Tissue-Data. EDA and data visualization, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model Prediction.
Supervised-ML---Simple-Linear-Regression---Newspaper-data. EDA and Visualization, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model predictions.
Assignment-04-Simple-Linear-Regression-2. Q2) Salary_hike -> Build a prediction model for Salary_hike Build a simple linear regression model by performing EDA and do necessary transformations and s…
Assignment-04-Simple-Linear-Regression-1. Q1) Delivery_time -> Predict delivery time using sorting time. Build a simple linear regression model by performing EDA and do necessary transformations an…