This starter is not recommended for new Vaadin Flow applications. Instead, visit to configure and download a Vaadin project that reflects the current best practices.
mvn spring-boot:run
or just mvn
Wait for the application to start
Open http://localhost:8080/ to view the application.
Default credentials are for admin access and for normal user access.
Note that when running in development mode, the application will not work in IE11.
Integration tests are implemented using TestBench. The tests take a couple of minutes to run and are therefore included in a separate profile. We recommend running tests with a production build to minimize the chance of development time toolchains affecting test stability. To run the tests, execute
mvn verify -Pit,production
and make sure you have a valid TestBench license installed.
Profile it
adds the following parameter to run integration tests:
if you would like to run a separate test make sure you have added these parameters to VM Options of JUnit run configuration
Vaadin Dev Tools interacts
and is able to automatically reload the browser when code is changed. -
Optionally you might want to avoid the data generator to be run on each single reload, therefore, make H2 database store entities in file-system instead of in memory by adding the following lines to the
mvn -Pproduction
The default mode when the application is built or started is 'development'. The 'production' mode is turned on by enabling the production
profile when building or starting the app.
mvn package -Pproduction
Then run it with
java -jar target/*.jar
Bakery has a profile that allows the application being deployed with Control Center
Compile, package, build the image and upload to docker hub.
mvn package -P production -P control-center
docker build -t your_docker_id/bakery:latest .
docker push your_docker_id/bakery:latest
Import it in Control Center selecting the Identity manager
flag. Then create roles admin
, baker
and barista
in Control Center and create the corresponding users to login into bakery application.
As both IDEs support running Spring Boot applications you just have to import the project and select com.vaadin.starter.bakery.Application
as main class if not done automatically. Using an IDE will also allow you to speed up development even more. Just check
The Bakery App Starter includes scalability tests. Once you have deployed a production build of Bakery you can run them to check how the app behaves under load. The scalability tests can be run completely on your local machine, but you might as well want to run locally only the test agents while the Bakery app under test is deployed to an environment that is close to your production.
In order to run the scalability tests locally:
Make sure you are using Java 8 (Gatling Maven plugin does not yet work with Java 9+)
Build and start Bakery in the production mode (e.g.
mvn clean spring-boot:run -DskipTests -Pproduction
) -
Open terminal in the project root
Start a test from the command line:
mvn -Pscalability gatling:test
Test results are stored into target folder (e.g. to
) -
By default the scalability test starts 100 user sessions at a 100 ms interval for one repeat, all of which connect to a locally running Bakery app. These defaults can be overridden with the
, andgatling.baseUrl
system properties. See an example execution for 300 users started within 50 s:mvn -Pscalability gatling:test -Dgatling.sessionCount=300 -Dgatling.sessionStartInterval=50
Note: If you run Bakery with an in-memory database (like H2, which is the default), it will logically use more memory than when using an external database (like PostgreSQL). It is recommend to run scalability tests for Bakery only after you have configured it to use an external database.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For full terms, see LICENSE
NOTE This project uses licensed components listed in the next section, thus licenses for those components are required during development.
Pro components used in the starter are :
Also the tests are created using Testbench library.