A go library and a command line utility to convert Gherkin files into Markdown.
go get -u github.com/uw-labs/gherkin2markdown/cmd/g2md
g2md <file> [--ignoretags=<tags>]
g2md <srcdir> <destdir> [--ignoretags=<tags>]
To suppress outputting Features or Scenarios with a particular tag, or tags, use the --ignoretags
option and provide a comma separated list of tags, e.g.:
g2md myfile.feature --ignoretags=@wip,@experimental
Given a file named math.feature
Feature: Python
Scenario: Hello, world!
Given a file named "main.py" with:
print("Hello, world!")
When I successfully run `python3 main.py`
Then the stdout should contain exactly "Hello, world!"
Scenario Outline: Add numbers
Given a file named "main.py" with:
print(<x> + <y>)
When I successfully run `python3 main.py`
Then the stdout should contain exactly "<z>"
| x | y | z |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 9 |
When I successfully run g2md math.feature
Then the stdout should contain exactly:
# Python
## Hello, world!
_Given_ a file named "main.py" with:
print("Hello, world!")
_When_ I successfully run `python3 main.py`
_Then_ the stdout should contain exactly "Hello, world!".
## Add numbers
_Given_ a file named "main.py" with:
print(<x> + <y>)
_When_ I successfully run `python3 main.py`
_Then_ the stdout should contain exactly "`<z>`".
### Examples
| x | y | z |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 9 |