is Twitch Helix REST API client library.
This library supports typing using dataclass, so you can use IDE's auto complete.
Api with OAuth is not implemented. It will be implemented in the future.
pip install py-twitch
- python ( > 3.7 )
- requests
- dacite
every client method named method_url.
For example, GET
is defined as get_users
from twitch.client import TwitchAPIClient
client_id = "YOUR CLIENT ID"
client_secret = "YOUR CLIENT SECRET"
client = TwitchAPIClient(client_id, client_secret)
# Default Example
pagination = None
while True:
data = client.get_users_follows(from_id="171003792", after=pagination)
pagination = data.pagination.cursor
for user in
print(f"{171003792} following {user.to_name}")
if not pagination:
from twitch.client import TwitchAPIClient
client_id = "YOUR CLIENT ID"
client_secret = "YOUR CLIENT SECRET"
client = TwitchAPIClient(client_id, client_secret)
# Multi Query Parameters Example
data = client.get_users(id=["141981764", "171003792"])
for user in
print(f"display_name is {user.display_name}")
Implements OAuth Methods
Change fields(such as started_at) type to DateTimeField
Check Optional fields and List fields