This site uses Jekyll to generate the static pages and Markdown to format them.
The server simply runs static files, but on your local machine, you need:
- A Unix-like environment is assumed
- Ruby (only tested with 1.9.3, but 1.8.7 might work)
- Bundler (
gem install bundler
Once you have these tools:
- Clone the project
git clone [email protected]:umt-cs/
- Setup an ssh alias
for the production server - From the project directory, download dependencies with bundler:
bundle install
- Launch a local copy:
rake server
- Visit the site at http://localhost:4000
# posts are in the format of (markdown)
cp _posts/ _posts/$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")
# open the file you just created in emacs, vim, etc.
# once you're done, check the site in the server. If it's not already running:
rake server
# if you're satisfied with the formatting, commit:
git commit
# push
git push
# then deploy
rake deploy
- Write good commit messages
- Don't deploy to production without committing (and if you have time, edit
to prevent this) - Don't use Windows line-endings