Flashcards repository for 3rd-year BSC TU Delft Aerospace classes. These flashcards are meant to help solidify the learned content in your memory (specially helpful for Production), and are meant to be used only after all the content has been read/understood. All the material is taken from the Sammaries - credits to Sam van Elsloo. Hopefully this will help you pass your exams this year, and be sure to leave feedback on any mistakes/improvements for the cards.
Make sure to set the default options for the decks as follows:
- New cards/day = 500
- Order = Show new cards in random order
- Easy interval = 1 day
- Maximum interval = 1 day
This way, your cards won't get pushed forward in time like they normally would in spaced repetition. Since we are trying to cram in a short period of time, we want to review the cards as often as possible.
If you see a mistake and don't want to lose your flow, just press Ctrl+1 to flag a card and then you can see the red ones in the Browse tab (if you want to fix/report them in batches once you're done reviewing).
Just follow the instructions in the image (currently only FD has tags).
- Get Anki at https://apps.ankiweb.net/.
- Install the CrowdAnki plugin at https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1788670778.
- Clone this repo to a directory.
- Import the decks from the repo using CrowdAnki "import from disk" (select the folder that has a deck.json file in it - do this for each deck).
- Get practicing!
- Get Anki at https://apps.ankiweb.net/.
- Select options (or three dots for mobile) and import deck.
- Download one (or both) of the packages in Decks.
- Use one of the files in the Decks directory.