- Start elasticsearch on port 9200
- Run the command python3 run.py
- Visit localhost:5000
- Enter the search phrase in the search box
- Elasticsearch 7.7.1
- Elasticsearch DSL 7.2.0
- Python 3.6.3
- Flask 1.1.2
- Scrapy 2.1.0
|-- app
|-- templtes : UI files
|-- app.py : flask backend
|-- search.py : elasticsearch queries
|-- songs_scraper : scripts to scrape lyrics and metadata from https://sinhalasongbook.com/
|-- songs.json : scrapped data
|-- constants.py : index_name and doc_type as constants
|-- run.py : start the search engine
- Faceted search
- Range queries
- Advance search
- Wildcard query support
Scraped https://sinhalasongbook.com/ to get lyrics and meta-data for 500 Sinhala songs
- Meta-data scrapped
- Artist
- Lyric writer
- Composer
- Song title
- Genre
- Beat
- Key
- Number of views
- මිල්ටන් ගැයූ ගී
- ප්රේමකීර්ති ලියපු සින්දු
- ප්රේමකීර්ති ලියු ජනප්රිය ගීත 10 ක්
- ප්රසිද්ධ සම්භාව්ය ගීත
- කපුගේ කියන සම්භාව්ය ගීත