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Refactor all the patching that happens before the LH desugaring so that
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everything is done as late as possible, i.e. explicitly showing which steps
require re-typechecking and which steps require re-desugaring.
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gergoerdi committed Oct 14, 2024
1 parent 6c2e11d commit 0cc6cbc
Showing 1 changed file with 63 additions and 45 deletions.
108 changes: 63 additions & 45 deletions liquidhaskell-boot/src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/GHC/Plugin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -306,52 +306,78 @@ typecheckHook cfg0 tcGblEnv = bracket startTypechecking endTypechecking $ \case
typecheckHook' :: Config -> ParsedModule -> TcGblEnv -> TcM (Either LiquidCheckException TcGblEnv)
typecheckHook' cfg0 parsed0 tcGblEnv = do
debugLog $ "We are in module: " <> show (toStableModule thisModule)
let modSummary = updateModSummaryDynFlags unoptimiseDynFlags modSummary0
thisFile = LH.modSummaryHsFile modSummary

let specComments = map mkSpecComment $ LH.extractSpecComments parsed0
parsed = addNoInlinePragmasToLocalBinds parsed0

case parseSpecComments (coerce specComments) of
Left errors ->
LH.filterReportErrors thisFile GHC.failM continue (getFilters cfg0) Full errors
Right specs ->
updTopEnv (hscUpdateFlags noWarnings) $ do
env <- getTopEnv

typechecked <- liftIO $ do
session <- Session <$> newIORef env
let parsed = addNoInlinePragmasToLocalBinds parsed0
flip reflectGhc session $ typecheckModule (LH.ignoreInline parsed)
liquidCheckModule cfg0 typechecked specs tcGblEnv

withPragmas cfg0 thisFile [s | Pragma s <- specs] $ \cfg -> do
ms = pm_mod_summary parsed0

let modSummary2 = updateModSummaryDynFlags (maybeInsertBreakPoints cfg) modSummary
parsed2 = parsed { pm_mod_summary = modSummary2 }
thisModule = ms_mod ms
thisFile = LH.modSummaryHsFile ms

updTopEnv (hscUpdateFlags noWarnings . hscSetFlags (ms_hspp_opts modSummary2)) $ do
env2 <- getTopEnv
specComments = map mkSpecComment $ LH.extractSpecComments parsed0

pipelineData <- liftIO $ do
session <- Session <$> newIORef env2
flip reflectGhc session $ do
typechecked <- typecheckModule (LH.ignoreInline parsed2)
unoptimisedGuts <- desugarModule typechecked
continue = pure $ Left (ErrorsOccurred [])

resolvedNames <- LH.lookupTyThings tcGblEnv
avails <- LH.availableTyThings tcGblEnv (tcg_exports tcGblEnv)
let availTyCons = [ tc | ATyCon tc <- avails ]
availVars = [ var | AnId var <- avails ]
noWarnings dflags = dflags { warningFlags = mempty }

let tcData = mkTcData (tcg_rn_imports tcGblEnv) resolvedNames availTyCons availVars
return $ PipelineData (coreModule unoptimisedGuts) tcData specs
liquidCheckModule :: Config -> TypecheckedModule -> [BPspec] -> TcGblEnv -> TcM (Either LiquidCheckException TcGblEnv)
liquidCheckModule cfg0 typechecked specs tcg0 = do
updTopEnv (hscUpdateFlags noWarnings) $ do
withPragmas cfg0 thisFile [s | Pragma s <- specs] $ \cfg -> do
env <- getTopEnv

liquidHaskellCheckWithConfig cfg pipelineData modSummary2 tcGblEnv
pipelineData <- liftIO $ do
session <- Session <$> newIORef env
flip reflectGhc session $ mkPipelineData cfg typechecked specs

liquidLib <- liquidHaskellCheckWithConfig cfg pipelineData ms
traverse (serialiseSpec thisModule tcg0) liquidLib
thisModule :: Module
thisModule = tcg_mod tcGblEnv
ms = pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module $ typechecked

modSummary0 = pm_mod_summary parsed0
thisModule = ms_mod ms
thisFile = LH.modSummaryHsFile ms

continue = pure $ Left (ErrorsOccurred [])
noWarnings dflags = dflags { warningFlags = mempty }

updateModSummaryDynFlags f ms = ms { ms_hspp_opts = f (ms_hspp_opts ms) }
updateModSummaryDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> ModSummary -> ModSummary
updateModSummaryDynFlags f ms = ms { ms_hspp_opts = f (ms_hspp_opts ms) }

noWarnings dflags = dflags { warningFlags = mempty }
updateTypecheckedModuleModSummary :: (ModSummary -> ModSummary) -> TypecheckedModule -> TypecheckedModule
updateTypecheckedModuleModSummary f typechecked = typechecked
{ tm_parsed_module = let pm = tm_parsed_module typechecked in pm
{ pm_mod_summary = let ms = pm_mod_summary pm in f ms

mkPipelineData :: (GhcMonad m) => Config -> TypecheckedModule -> [BPspec] -> m PipelineData
mkPipelineData cfg typechecked specs = do
unoptimisedGuts <- desugarModule typechecked'

resolvedNames <- LH.lookupTyThings tcg
avails <- LH.availableTyThings tcg (tcg_exports tcg)
let availTyCons = [ tc | ATyCon tc <- avails ]
availVars = [ var | AnId var <- avails ]

let tcData = mkTcData (tcg_rn_imports tcg) resolvedNames availTyCons availVars
return $ PipelineData (coreModule unoptimisedGuts) tcData specs
typechecked' =
updateTypecheckedModuleModSummary (updateModSummaryDynFlags (maybeInsertBreakPoints cfg . unoptimiseDynFlags)) typechecked

(tcg, _) = tm_internals_ typechecked

serialiseSpec :: Module -> TcGblEnv -> LiquidLib -> TcM TcGblEnv
serialiseSpec thisModule tcGblEnv liquidLib = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,8 +408,8 @@ serialiseSpec thisModule tcGblEnv liquidLib = do

pure $ tcGblEnv { tcg_anns = serialisedSpec : tcg_anns tcGblEnv }

processInputSpec :: Config -> PipelineData -> ModSummary -> TcGblEnv -> BareSpec -> TcM (Either LiquidCheckException TcGblEnv)
processInputSpec cfg pipelineData modSummary tcGblEnv inputSpec = do
processInputSpec :: Config -> PipelineData -> ModSummary -> BareSpec -> TcM (Either LiquidCheckException LiquidLib)
processInputSpec cfg pipelineData modSummary inputSpec = do
hscEnv <- env_top <$> getEnv
debugLog $ " Input spec: \n" ++ show inputSpec
debugLog $ "Relevant ===> \n" ++ unlines (renderModule <$> S.toList (relevantModules (hsc_mod_graph hscEnv) modGuts))
Expand All @@ -405,42 +431,34 @@ processInputSpec cfg pipelineData modSummary tcGblEnv inputSpec = do
-- liftIO $ putStrLn ("liquidHaskellCheck 6: " ++ show isIg)
if isIgnore inputSpec
then pure $ Left (ErrorsOccurred [])
else do
liquidLib' <- checkLiquidHaskellContext lhContext
traverse (serialiseSpec thisModule tcGblEnv) liquidLib'
else checkLiquidHaskellContext lhContext

thisModule :: Module
thisModule = tcg_mod tcGblEnv

modGuts :: ModGuts
modGuts = pdUnoptimisedCore pipelineData

:: Config -> PipelineData -> ModSummary -> TcGblEnv -> TcM (Either LiquidCheckException TcGblEnv)
liquidHaskellCheckWithConfig cfg pipelineData modSummary tcGblEnv = do
:: Config -> PipelineData -> ModSummary -> TcM (Either LiquidCheckException LiquidLib)
liquidHaskellCheckWithConfig cfg pipelineData modSummary = do
-- Parse the spec comments stored in the pipeline data.
let inputSpec = toBareSpec . snd $
hsSpecificationP (moduleName thisModule) (pdSpecComments pipelineData)

processInputSpec cfg pipelineData modSummary tcGblEnv inputSpec
processInputSpec cfg pipelineData modSummary inputSpec
`Ex.catch` (\(e :: UserError) -> reportErrs [e])
`Ex.catch` (\(e :: Error) -> reportErrs [e])
`Ex.catch` (\(es :: [Error]) -> reportErrs es)

thisFile :: FilePath
thisFile = LH.modSummaryHsFile modSummary
thisModule = ms_mod modSummary

continue :: TcM (Either LiquidCheckException TcGblEnv)
continue :: TcM (Either LiquidCheckException a)
continue = pure $ Left (ErrorsOccurred [])

reportErrs :: (Show e, F.PPrint e) => [TError e] -> TcM (Either LiquidCheckException TcGblEnv)
reportErrs :: (Show e, F.PPrint e) => [TError e] -> TcM (Either LiquidCheckException a)
reportErrs = LH.filterReportErrors thisFile GHC.failM continue (getFilters cfg) Full

thisModule :: Module
thisModule = tcg_mod tcGblEnv

checkLiquidHaskellContext :: LiquidHaskellContext -> TcM (Either LiquidCheckException LiquidLib)
checkLiquidHaskellContext lhContext = do
pmr <- processModule lhContext
Expand Down

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