pnpm i
docker compose up -d
pnpx prisma generate
pnpm dev
export POSTGRES_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5433/postgres?schema=public
Run docker-compose up to start the PostgreSQL container. Execute pnpx prisma generate to generate Prisma Client code aligned with the Prisma schema. Run pnpx prisma migrate dev to apply necessary migrations. Use pnpx prisma db seed to incorporate initial data.
docker-compose up
pnpx prisma generate
pnpx prisma migrate dev
pnpx prisma db seed
psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -d postgres
If tables are displayed, it's OK.
You can use the command npx prisma studio to view the data added through the seed process.
We are using the GeoJson format.