Shoot'em up game called Galactic Supremacy made with Java This is the full version of Galactic Supremacy since end of developement of lite version You can commit directly based on this version, do not commit based on lite branch.
All the following constraint must be verified by lite version
- Usage of Slick2D lib and Java language ✔️
Ship located on the bottom of the screen with only left and right moves ✔️- Game playable with Keyboard only ✔️
- min 3 differents types of ennemies with differents path and shoot's path (3+/3) ✔️
no collisions between ennemies or ennemies' shoots ✔️- Several shoots can exist at the same time ✔️
- Usage of abstract class
(do not edit render and update methods) ✔️
The following list refers to possible upgrade for lite edition
- Scrolling ✔️
- Obstacles ✔️
- Bonus weapons ✔️
Score ❌ (Replaced with money system)- Save system ✔️
- Difficulties level ✔️
Game is not yet finished, and can have issues, or simply doesn't run properly, please wait release for play it
Release lite-v1.0 is the latest stable version