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Sbt S3 resolver

This is an sbt plugin which helps resolving dependencies from and publish to Amazon S3 buckets (private or public).

It can publish artifacts in maven or ivy style, but it can resolve only ivy artifacts:

Ivy artifacts publish resolve Maven artifacts publish resolve
public public *
private private


Plugin sbt dependency

In project/plugins.sbt:

resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo
addSbtPlugin("ohnosequences" % "sbt-s3-resolver" % "<version>")

(see the latest release version on the badge above)

Note that since v0.17.+ this plugin is compiled and published only for sbt-1.+. If you need it for sbt-0.13, use v0.16.0.


  • s3credentials: AWS credentials provider to access S3
  • awsProfile: AWS credentials profile (for default s3credentials)
  • s3region: AWS Region for your S3 resolvers
  • s3acl: Controls whether published artifacts are accessible publicly via http(s) or not
  • s3storageClass: Controls storage class for the published S3 objects
  • s3overwrite: Controls whether publishing resolver can overwrite artifacts
  • s3sse: Controls whether publishing resolver will use server side encryption
  • s3resolver: Takes name and bucket url and returns an S3 resolver
Key Type Default
s3credentials AWSCredentialsProvider see below
awsProfile String "default"
s3region Region DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain
s3acl CannedAccessControlList PublicRead
s3storageClass StorageClass Standard
s3overwrite Boolean isSnapshot.value
s3sse Boolean false

These defaults are added to your project automatically. So if you're fine with them, you don't need to do anything special, just set the resolver and publish. Otherwise you can tune the settings by overriding them in your build.sbt.

You can set the region setting in a number of ways:

You can use s3resolver setting key that takes a name and an S3 bucket url and returns S3Resolver which is implicitly converted to sbt.Resolver.


A commong practice is to use different (snapshots and releases) repositories depending on the version. For example, here is such publishing resolver with ivy-style patterns:

publishMavenStyle := false

publishTo := {
  val prefix = if (isSnapshot.value) "snapshots" else "releases"
  Some(s3resolver.value(s"My ${prefix} S3 bucket", s3(s"${prefix}")) withIvyPatterns)

You can also switch repository for public and private artifacts — you just set the url of your bucket depending on something. Here s3 constructor takes the name of your S3 bucket (don't worry about s3:// prefix).


You can add a sequence of S3 resolvers just like this:

resolvers ++= Seq[Resolver](
  s3resolver.value("Releases resolver", s3("")),
  s3resolver.value("Snapshots resolver", s3(""))

Note, that you have to write Seq[Resolver] explicitly, so that S3Resolvers will be converted to sbt.Resolver before appending.

Public Maven artifacts

If your maven artifacts are public, you can resolve them using usual sbt resolvers just transforming your s3:// to

"My S3 bucket" at "https://s3-<region>"

i.e. without using this plugin. Or if you're using it anyway, you can write:

"My S3 bucket" at s3("").toHttps(s3region.value)


s3credentials key has the AWSCredentialsProvider type from AWS Java SDK. Different kinds of providers look for credentials in different places, plus they can be chained by the | ("or") operator (added in this plugin for convenience).

The default credentials chain in this plugin is

awsProfile := "default"

s3credentials :=
  new ProfileCredentialsProvider(awsProfile.value) |
  new EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider() |
  new InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider()

You can find other types of credentials providers in the AWS Java SDK docs.

If you have different profiles in your ~/.aws/credentials file, you can choose the one you need by setting

awsProfile := "bob"

Or if you would like to use profile credentials and have your env vars override if they exist. This is handy if you have both a local dev environment as well as a CI environment where you need to use env vars.

s3credentials :=
  new ProfileCredentialsProvider(awsProfile.value) |
  new EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider()

You can check which credentials are loaded with the showS3Credentials task:

sbt showS3Credentials


You can set patterns using .withPatterns(...) method of S3Resolver. Default are maven-style patterns (just as in sbt), but you can change it with the convenience method .withIvyPatterns.

S3 IAM policy

If you want to publish and resolve artifacts in an S3 bucket you should have at least these permissions on your AWS-user/role:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/*"

In theory s3:CreateBucket may be also needed in the first statement in case if you publish to a non-existing bucket.


AWS S3 based resolver







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