Forked from mcscoutermarsh's dotfiles
If you have trouble during installation, please open an issue or pull request. ⭐
Clone this repo (or your own fork!) to your home directory (/Users/username
git clone ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
We need to install and use gvim on windows, it seems complicated to really
use it flawlessly in terminal emulators..
After install my vim & config files were located in C:\tools\vim so I just
took all my config files and copied them to this directory (paste and remplace).
After a :PlugInstall most of the stuff seemed to work althought I had to
install some powerline fonts for vim-airline to display properly
Open powershell in admin mode and type
git clone --depth=1
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Set-ExecutionPolicy Default
to modify the default font in gvim
" open guifont panel and chose a font
set guifont=*
" print current font setting
set guifont?
" paste the setting in vimrc for example I picked deja vu
set guifont=DejaVu_Sans_Mono_for_Powerline:h18:cANSI:qDRAFT
- oh my zsh
- powerline10k
- zsh-nvm / nvm
- ag the silver searcher
- fzf
- thefuck
- bat
- rust/cargo