A simple Bash script for cloudbox shortcuts.
Add this script named cloudbox to ~/.local/bin/
or (better) add a symlink from its location to ~/.local/bin/cloudbox
ln -s ~/cloudbox-commandarr/cloudbox ~/.local/bin/cloudbox
Proceed to use cloudbox as a command line interactive shortcut for installing applications with ansible or for doing other useful things on a cloudbox server.
Interactive command line usaage is as such:
Simply run the command cloudbox. It will reply with the following options:
i) Show Server information as seen on login (MOTD)
m) Core Repo Installation - tag
c) Community Repo Installation -tag
a) List all ansible tags available to install
b) Run a manual Cloudbox Backup
d) Dedupe with plex_dupefinder (must be installed)
u) Cloudplow upload
l) View Cloudbox logs
n) View Network info
d) View Docker container logs (not implemmeted yet)
s) Edit configuration files for Cloudbox
e) Exit
Direct Command line usage is as such:
Many core interactive options are available as a direct command line argument.
For example you can install a package from the cloudbox core or community packages:
cloudbox repo tagname (debug - optional/planned)
repo is a simple variable asking for M for main or C for community
Actual Examples:
To install the plex tag you would use cloudbox m plex
. This will run cd ~/cloudbox && sudo ansible-playbook cloudbox.yml --tags plex
To install the watchtower tag you could use cloudbox c watchtower
. This will run cd ~/community && sudo ansible-playbook community.yml --tags watchtower
It is possible to run a manual plex_dupefinder instance with:
cloudbox d
or a manual cloudplow upload with:
cloudbox u