This Sample Assignment will go through the workflow of Processing and GitHub that you will use for your subsequent assignments.
Sign up for a free GitHub account if you don’t already have one and sign in to your GitHub account
Fork this repository. Forking is making a copy of the repo (that's short for repository). It's like copying a google doc. Click on the Fork button at the top right corner.
Click and drag to select the code on lines 1 through 21. Then press Ctr + c to copy the code.
Open Processing. On the school computers you can find it in C:Program Files | Processing-2.2.1
To run the program in Processing, press the play button
To put a modified program back on to GitHub Choose Edit | Select All and then Edit | Copy to copy the code. On the GitHub website, choose the .pde file and click the pencil to edit. Paste your code into GitHub
To save your changes, scroll down and click on Commit Changes
Now, click on index.html and then click on the pencil. Change the Title, Header and Footer of your webpage. Scroll down and click on "Commit Changes"
To view your program on the web, click on Settings. Scroll down, and you'll find the link to your website.
Submit the URL of your finished assignment to the dropbox in school loop