This repository showcases a sample Android application that consumes Transcend's WebView library.
- Android Studio
- Gradle8.0
- jbr17.0.8
./gradlew androidDependencies
./gradlew assemble
./gradlew build
adb -d install ./app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk
or click play button on your android studio.
- Add the following dependencies on you app modules build.gradle file and install the following android dependencies:
// STEP 1: Add required dependencies
implementation 'io.transcend.webview:webview:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'androidx.webkit:webkit:1.7.0'
- Add the following repository on dependencyResolutionManagement in settings.gradle file
// STEP 2: Add following repository
maven {
url= ""
- Application developers using our custom WebView have the flexibility to employ this view in various contexts based on their application's logic. They can integrate this view during their application's startup, within the main activity, or in response to a button click event. To use Transcend’s webView the following changes are required:
<!-- on activity_main.xml -->
app:transcendConsentUrl= "@string/transcendConsentUrl"/>
- Note - Users would need to create: reference
<!-- create a new value for transcendConsentUrl on res/values/strings.xml and configure it with your airgap url-->
<string name="transcendConsentUrl">{ai}/airgap.js</string>
// Add the following import
import io.transcend.webview.TranscendWebView;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private TranscendWebView webView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Step 3: Get the webViewbyId and use loadUrl() to show up TCF-UI
// Note: on close of TCF-UI the visibilty of this view is set to GONE
webView = (TranscendWebView) findViewById(;
// the line below wouldn't be required in future releases