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Run MediathekView inside Docker.
Based on the fabulous project MediathekView

Recommended volume mountpoints

  "./config/:/root:rw" # needed to keep settings permanent
  "<folder to store downloads>:/media:rw"

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be set by adding one or more arguments -e "<VAR>=<VALUE>" to the docker run command, or in your docker-compose.yml.

Variable Description Default
UMASK Mask that controls how file permissions are set for newly created files. The value of the mask is in octal notation. By default, this variable is not set and the default umask of 022 is used, meaning that newly created files are readable by everyone, but only writable by the owner. See the following online umask calculator: (unset)
TZ [TimeZone] of the container. Timezone can also be set by mapping /etc/localtime between the host and the container. Etc/UTC
APP_NICENESS Priority at which the application should run. A niceness value of -20 is the highest priority and 19 is the lowest priority. By default, niceness is not set, meaning that the default niceness of 0 is used. NOTE: A negative niceness (priority increase) requires additional permissions. In this case, the container should be run with the docker option --cap-add=SYS_NICE. (unset)
USER_ID When mounting docker-volumes, permission issues can arise between the docker host and the container. You can pass the User_ID permissions to the container with this variable. 1000
GROUP_ID When mounting docker-volumes, permission issues can arise between the docker host and the container. You can pass the Group_ID permissions to the container with this variable. 1000
CLEAN_TMP_DIR When set to 1, all files in the /tmp directory are deleted during the container startup. 1
SECURE_CONNECTION When set to 1, an encrypted connection is used to access the application's GUI (either via a web browser or VNC client). 0
VNC_PASSWORD Password needed to connect to the application's GUI. (unset)
X11VNC_EXTRA_OPTS Extra options to pass to the x11vnc server running in the Docker container. WARNING: For advanced users. Do not use unless you know what you are doing. (unset)
ENABLE_CJK_FONT When set to 1, open-source computer font WenQuanYi Zen Hei is installed. This font contains a large range of Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters. 0


Tag Description
latest Latest stable version of the image based on ubuntu 24.04 LTS
ubuntu24 Latest stable version of the image based on ubuntu 24.04 LTS

You can find the Docker image on GHCR:
docker pull


Here is the list of ports used by container. They can be mapped to the host via the -p <HOST_PORT>:<CONTAINER_PORT> parameter. The port number inside the container cannot be changed, but you are free to use any port on the host side.

Port Mapping to host Description
5800 Mandatory Port used to access the application's GUI via the web interface.
5900 Optional Port used to access the application's GUI via the VNC protocol. Optional if no VNC client is used.


No releases published



Contributors 3

