- vim-go bundle: a complete IDE for golang development, including highlight, auto complete, nerd tree filebrowsing, etc. (Credit to vim-go project: https://github.com/fatih/vim-go)
- vim solidity syntax highlightng & syntax check
- various vim tweaks, plugins (nerdtree, tagbar, auto complete, airline status bar, etc.) and color (default is "hybrid" colorscheme)
- tmux configuration
Editing GO file with split screen (tmux)
Solidity: highlighting & Syntax check
Git clone the repository and change directory to it
Tmux Setup
If your tmux file is empty, you could simply copy / overwrite it:
cp tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
Copy vim bundle
cp -R vim_runtime ~/.vim_runtime
Add to your vim init file
If you don't want to overwrite your existing vim config, you could simply concatenate it:
cat vimrc ~/.vimrc
(Optional) Color theme
mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors cp -R colors/* ~/.vim/colors