Deep Learning Pipelines provides high-level APIs for scalable deep learning in Python with Apache Spark.
- Overview
- Building and running unit tests
- Spark version compatibility
- Support
- Quick user guide
- Releases
- License
Deep Learning Pipelines provides high-level APIs for scalable deep learning in Python with Apache Spark.
The library comes from Databricks and leverages Spark for its two strongest facets:
- In the spirit of Spark and Spark MLlib, it provides easy-to-use APIs that enable deep learning in very few lines of code.
- It uses Spark's powerful distributed engine to scale out deep learning on massive datasets.
Currently, TensorFlow and TensorFlow-backed Keras workflows are supported, with a focus on model inference/scoring and transfer learning on image data at scale, with hyper-parameter tuning in the works.
Furthermore, it provides tools for data scientists and machine learning experts to turn deep learning models into SQL functions that can be used by a much wider group of users. It does not perform single-model distributed training - this is an area of active research, and here we aim to provide the most practical solutions for the majority of deep learning use cases.
For an overview of the library, see the Databricks blog post introducing Deep Learning Pipelines. For the various use cases the package serves, see the Quick user guide section below.
The library is in its early days, and we welcome everyone's feedback and contribution.
Maintainers: Bago Amirbekian, Joseph Bradley, Sue Ann Hong, Tim Hunter, Philip Yang
To compile this project, run build/sbt assembly
from the project home directory. This will also run the Scala unit tests.
To run the Python unit tests, run the
script from the python/
directory. You will need to set a few environment variables, e.g.
# Be sure to run build/sbt assembly before running the Python tests
sparkdl$ SPARK_HOME=/usr/local/lib/spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7 PYSPARK_PYTHON=python2 SCALA_VERSION=2.11.8 SPARK_VERSION=2.1.1 ./python/
Spark 2.1.1 and Python 2.7 are recommended.
You can ask questions and join the development discussion on the DL Pipelines Google group.
You can also post bug reports and feature requests in Github issues.
The current version of Deep Learning Pipelines provides a suite of tools around working with and processing images using deep learning. The tools can be categorized as
- Working with images in Spark : natively in Spark DataFrames
- Transfer learning : a super quick way to leverage deep learning
- Applying deep learning models at scale : apply your own or known popular models to image data to make predictions or transform them into features
- Deploying models as SQL functions : empower everyone by making deep learning available in SQL.
- Distributed hyper-parameter tuning : via Spark MLlib Pipelines (coming soon)
To try running the examples below, check out the Databricks notebook DeepLearning Pipelines on Databricks.
The first step to applying deep learning on images is the ability to load the images. Spark and Deep Learning Pipelines include utility functions that can load millions of images into a Spark DataFrame and decode them automatically in a distributed fashion, allowing manipulation at scale.
Using Spark's ImageSchema
from sparkdl.image.image import ImageSchema
image_df = ImageSchema.readImages("/data/myimages")
or if custom image library is needed:
from sparkdl.image import imageIO as imageIO
image_df = imageIO.readImagesWithCustomFn("/data/myimages",decode_f=<your image library, see imageIO.PIL_decode>)
The resulting DataFrame contains a string column named "image" containing an image struct with schema == ImageSchema.
The goal is to add support for more data types, such as text and time series, as there is interest.
Deep Learning Pipelines provides utilities to perform transfer learning on images, which is one of the fastest (code and run-time-wise) ways to start using deep learning. Using Deep Learning Pipelines, it can be done in just several lines of code.
from import LogisticRegression
from import MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
from import Pipeline
from sparkdl import DeepImageFeaturizer
featurizer = DeepImageFeaturizer(inputCol="image", outputCol="features", modelName="InceptionV3")
lr = LogisticRegression(maxIter=20, regParam=0.05, elasticNetParam=0.3, labelCol="label")
p = Pipeline(stages=[featurizer, lr])
model = # train_images_df is a dataset of images and labels
# Inspect training error
df = model.transform(train_images_df.limit(10)).select("image", "probability", "uri", "label")
predictionAndLabels ="prediction", "label")
evaluator = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator(metricName="accuracy")
print("Training set accuracy = " + str(evaluator.evaluate(predictionAndLabels)))
Spark DataFrames are a natural construct for applying deep learning models to a large-scale dataset. Deep Learning Pipelines provides a set of (Spark MLlib) Transformers for applying TensorFlow Graphs and TensorFlow-backed Keras Models at scale. In addition, popular images models can be applied out of the box, without requiring any TensorFlow or Keras code. The Transformers, backed by the Tensorframes library, efficiently handle the distribution of models and data to Spark workers.
Applying popular image models
There are many well-known deep learning models for images. If the task at hand is very similar to what the models provide (e.g. object recognition with ImageNet classes), or for pure exploration, one can use the Transformer
by simply specifying the model name.from sparkdl.image.image import ImageSchema from sparkdl import DeepImagePredictor predictor = DeepImagePredictor(inputCol="image", outputCol="predicted_labels", modelName="InceptionV3", decodePredictions=True, topK=10) image_df = ImageSchema.readImages("/data/myimages") predictions_df = predictor.transform(image_df)
For TensorFlow users
Deep Learning Pipelines provides a Transformer that will apply the given TensorFlow Graph to a DataFrame containing a column of images (e.g. loaded using the utilities described in the previous section). Here is a very simple example of how a TensorFlow Graph can be used with the Transformer. In practice, the TensorFlow Graph will likely be restored from files before calling
.from sparkdl.image.image import ImageSchema from sparkdl import TFImageTransformer import sparkdl.graph.utils as tfx from sparkdl.transformers import utils import tensorflow as tf graph = tf.Graph() with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: image_arr = utils.imageInputPlaceholder() resized_images = tf.image.resize_images(image_arr, (299, 299)) frozen_graph = tfx.strip_and_freeze_until([resized_images], graph, sess, return_graph=True) transformer = TFImageTransformer(inputCol="image", outputCol="predictions", graph=frozen_graph, inputTensor=image_arr, outputTensor=resized_images, outputMode="image") image_df = ImageSchema.readImages("/data/myimages") processed_image_df = transformer.transform(image_df)
For Keras users
For applying Keras models to images in a distributed manner using Spark,
works on TensorFlow-backed Keras models. It- Internally creates a DataFrame containing a column of images by applying the user-specified image loading and processing function to the input DataFrame containing a column of image URIs
- Loads a Keras model from the given model file path
- Applies the model to the image DataFrame
The difference in the API from
above stems from the fact that usual Keras workflows have very specific ways to load and resize images that are not part of the TensorFlow Graph.To use the transformer, we first need to have a Keras model stored as a file. For this example we'll just save the Keras built-in InceptionV3 model instead of training one.
from keras.applications import InceptionV3 model = InceptionV3(weights="imagenet")'/tmp/model-full.h5')
Now on the prediction side, we can do:
from keras.applications.inception_v3 import preprocess_input from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array, load_img import numpy as np import os from sparkdl import KerasImageFileTransformer def loadAndPreprocessKerasInceptionV3(uri): # this is a typical way to load and prep images in keras image = img_to_array(load_img(uri, target_size=(299, 299))) image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) return preprocess_input(image) transformer = KerasImageFileTransformer(inputCol="uri", outputCol="predictions", modelFile="/tmp/model-full.h5", imageLoader=loadAndPreprocessKerasInceptionV3, outputMode="vector") files = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) for f in os.listdir("/data/myimages") if f.endswith('.jpg')] uri_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(files, StringType()).toDF("uri") final_df = transformer.transform(uri_df)
applies a TensorFlow-backed Keras model to inputs of up to 2 dimensions. It loads a Keras model from a given model file path and applies the model to a column of arrays (where an array corresponds to a Tensor), outputting a column of arrays.from sparkdl import KerasTransformer from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense import numpy as np # Generate random input data num_features = 10 num_examples = 100 input_data = [{"features" : np.random.randn(num_features).tolist()} for i in range(num_examples)] input_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(input_data) # Create and save a single-hidden-layer Keras model for binary classification # NOTE: In a typical workflow, we'd train the model before exporting it to disk, # but we skip that step here for brevity model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(units=20, input_shape=[num_features], activation='relu')) model.add(Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid')) model_path = "/tmp/simple-binary-classification" # Create transformer and apply it to our input data transformer = KerasTransformer(inputCol="features", outputCol="predictions", modelFile=model_path) final_df = transformer.transform(input_df)
One way to productionize a model is to deploy it as a Spark SQL User Defined Function, which allows anyone who knows SQL to use it. Deep Learning Pipelines provides mechanisms to take a deep learning model and register a Spark SQL User Defined Function (UDF).
The resulting UDF takes a column (formatted as a image struct "SpImage
") and produces the output of the given Keras model (e.g. for Inception V3, it produces a real valued score vector over the ImageNet object categories). For other models, the output could have different meanings. Please consult the actual models specification.
We can register any Keras models that work on images as follows.
from keras.applications import InceptionV3
from sparkdl.udf.keras_image_model import registerKerasImageUDF
from keras.applications import InceptionV3
registerKerasImageUDF("my_keras_inception_udf", InceptionV3(weights="imagenet"))
To use a customized Keras model, we can save it and pass the file path as parameter.
# Assume we have a compiled and trained Keras model'path/to/my/model.h5')
registerKerasImageUDF("my_custom_keras_model_udf", "path/to/my/model.h5")
Once the UDF is registered as described above, it can be used in a SQL query.
SELECT my_custom_keras_model_udf(image) as predictions from my_spark_image_table
If there are further preprocessing steps required to prepare the images, the user has the option to provide a preprocessing function preprocessor
. The preprocessor
converts a file path into a image array. This function is usually introduced in Keras workflow, as in the following example.
from keras.applications import InceptionV3
from sparkdl.udf.keras_image_model import registerKerasImageUDF
def keras_load_img(fpath):
from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img, img_to_array
import numpy as np
img = load_img(fpath, target_size=(299, 299))
return img_to_array(img).astype(np.uint8)
registerKerasImageUDF("my_keras_inception_udf", InceptionV3(weights="imagenet"), keras_load_img)
- 0.1.0 Alpha release
- 0.2.0 release:
- KerasImageFileEstimator API (train a Keras model on image files)
- SQL UDF support for Keras models
- Added Xception, Resnet50 models to DeepImageFeaturizer/DeepImagePredictor.
- The Deep Learning Pipelines source code is released under the Apache License 2.0 (see the LICENSE file).
- Models marked as provided by Keras (used by
) are provided subject to the MIT license located at and subject to any additional copyrights and licenses specified in the code or documentation. Also see the Keras applications page for more on the individual model licensing information.