MOPs v1.3 Stable
MOPs 1.3 is here!
In preparation for the release of MOPs Plus, a new Stable build of MOPs is here!
This build incorporates all of the Experimental updates that were included since the last Stable release! There's a ton of new stuff here, check the Releases page to see everything that's been done since MOPs 1.2.
This also includes the following updates:
MOPs Pivot bounding box alignment in world space now works correctly. World space alignment now has an optional "accurate" mode for perfect pivots.
MOPs Combine Falloffs now no longer auto-generates an id
attribute if one is missing.
The MOPs Instancer now has built-in reload buttons for file sequences or Alembics.
Added looping noise options to MOPs Spline Falloff and MOPs Texture Falloff.