This is a virtual piano written in MIPS assembly and using the bitmap display and keyboard additions in the MARS simulator. The MARS simulator is required for this piano to work. Keyboard keys will be mapped to different notes and as a note is playing, the associated key on the piano will highlight red.
- Tools->Bitmap Display
- Set "Unit width/height in pixels" to 16
- Set "Display width" to 1024
- Set "Display height" to 256
- Set "Base Address for display" to static data
- Click "Connect to MIPS" after the rest are set
- The program will initialize the piano image immediatly so you must connect the display to mips before running the program.
- Pressing a valid key will highlight the piano key that is being played.
- Tools->Keyboard and Display MMIO Simulator
- Click "Connect to MIPS"
- Type a valid character and the piano will play the pitch associated with that character.
q -> Eb3 h -> C4 ' -> A4
a -> E3 u -> Db4 ] -> Bb4
s -> F3 j -> D4 \ -> B4
e -> Gb3 i -> Eb4
d -> G3 k -> E4
r -> Ab3 l -> F4
f -> A3 p -> Gb4
t -> Bb3 ; -> G4
g -> B3 [ -> Ab4