v2.54 2025-03-07 Improvement: Mouse pointer locations for X11 and SDL2 have been harmonized. Thanks to @lkesteloot
. Keyboard also returns more constant info. This latter might be a breaking change if Keyboard.read_code() used.
Bug fix: Texture._normal_map() previously assigned to item in tuple which is not allowed.
v2.53 2025-02-04 Bug fix: SDL2 uses SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS flag if pi3d.DISPLAY_CONFIG_NO_FRAME has been included in Display.create argument display_config. *.png added in project.toml
v2.52 2024-10-13 Bug fix: SDL2 uses FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP flag to allow wlr-randr to blank the screen without killing the process
v2.51 2023-11-01 Improvement: option to use SDL2 for the windowing and event (keyboard, mouse) input this needs pysdl2 to be installed. Display.create(...use_sdl2=True)
v2.50 2023-09-26 Bug fix: Points previously comparing np array with empty list, deprecated now errors found by @Home-Control9000
and @joshstir
v2.49 2021-10-26 Bug fix: FixedString width not using Display.opengl.max_texture_size.value found by @jeffalperin
v2.48 2021-10-01 Bug fix: Slice index for triangles wrong found by @chatcoda
v2.47 2021-08-29 Bug fix: conway vertex shader has -0.5 pixel adjustment over width and height. All shaders use highp precision.
Improvements: mac setup sorted out thanks to @helgeerbe
v2.46 2021-07-03 Bug fix: Resizing Textures when image dimensions were greater than max_size was incorrect (typo and missing functionality)
v2.45 2021-04-30 Improvement: Found that texture widths can be any multiple of four up to GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE
v2.44 2021-03-30 Improvement: FixedString wrapping on pixel widths for accurate fitting on screen
v2.43 2021-03-06 Bug fix: glGetError message cleaned up. Missing dependencies in setup.py
Improvement: PointText wrapping on pixel widths for accurate fitting on screen