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did a quick test to see if collapse / tidyfast / data.table approach …
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…might work for arriaga smoothing. Yes, it does, but it's 8-10 times slower than the current base implementation.
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timriffe committed Dec 30, 2023
1 parent 021dcf8 commit c6e15b7
Showing 1 changed file with 157 additions and 0 deletions.
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions dev/arriaga_tidy.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
Ages <- seq(0, 80, by = 5)
AMales <- smooth_age_5_arriaga(Value = pop5m_pasex, Age = Ages, OAG = TRUE)
# PAS spreadsheet result:
Atest <- c(662761, 495126, 345744, 287629, 285919, 261018, 237469, 203277,
161733, 126960, 88586, 67496, 54587, 41257, 28790, 17189, 34729)
all(round(AMales) - Atest == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
plot(Ages, pop5m_pasex)
# Before:
smooth_age_5_arriaga <- function(Value,

# these values are not used, it's just for lengths, and to make sure we
# end on an even 10. Technically we could even provide data in 10-year
# age groups and it'd still not break.
Value1 <- graduate_uniform(Value = Value, Age = Age, OAG = OAG)
Value5 <-
groupAges(Value1, Age = as.integer(names(Value1)), N = 5)
N <- length(Value5)
Age5 <- as.integer(names(Value5))

# would need to move this up to ensure?
# or in case of 85+ would we want to keep 80-84, 85+ as-is?
Value10 <- groupAges(Value, Age = Age, N = 10)

# what OAG is a strange digit? Then take OAG after grouping.
if (OAG) {
OAGvalue <- Value5[length(Value5)]
Value10[length(Value10)] <- NA
Value5[length(Value5)] <- NA

# again get staggered vectors
Value10LL <- shift.vector(Value10,-2, fill = NA)
Value10L <- shift.vector(Value10,-1, fill = NA)
Value10R <- shift.vector(Value10, 1, fill = NA)
Value10RR <- shift.vector(Value10, 2, fill = NA)

# alternating calc, with differences at tails
vevens <- (-Value10R + 11 * Value10 + 2 * Value10L) / 24
# tails different
vevens[1] <-
(8 * Value10[1] + 5 * Value10L[1] - Value10LL[1]) / 24
lastind <- which([1]
vevens[lastind] <-
Value10[lastind] - (8 * Value10[lastind] + 5 * Value10R[lastind] - Value10RR[lastind]) / 24
# odds are complement
vodds <- Value10 - vevens

# prepare output
interleaf <- c(rbind(vodds, vevens))
# produce results vector
out <- Value5 * NA
n <- min(c(length(interleaf), N))
out[1:n] <- interleaf[1:n]

# if OA ends in 5, then we can save penultimate value too
na.i <-
out[na.i] <- Value5[na.i]
if (OAG) {
out[N] <- OAGvalue

data <- tibble(Age = Ages, Pop = pop5m_pasex)

age2single <- function(Age, OAG = TRUE, AgeInt = NULL){
maxA <- ifelse(OAG, max(Age), max(Age) + AgeInt[which.max(Age)])

smooth_age_5_arriaga_tidy <- function(data, variable, OAG = TRUE){

if (OAG){
OAvalue <- data |>
fsubset(Age == max(Age)) |>

data <-
data |>
rename(V = !!variable) |>
# force to single
V = graduate_uniform(Value = V,
Age = Age,
Age = age2single(Age))
data |>
# group to 5 (innocuous if 5-year data given)
fmutate(Age = Age - Age %% 5,
V = fifelse(Age == max(Age) & OAG, NA_real_, V)) |>
fgroup_by(Age) |>
fsummarize(V = sum(V)) |>
fungroup() |>
fmutate(Age10 = Age - Age %% 10) |>
fmutate(V10 = sum(V), .by = Age10) |>
fmutate(V10LL = flag(V10,-4),
V10L = flag(V10,-2),
V10R = flag(V10, 2),
V10RR = flag(V10,4),
vevens = dt_case_when(Age10 == min(Age10) ~ (8 * V10 + 5 * V10L - V10LL) / 24,
Age10 == (max(Age10) - 10) ~ V10 - (8 * V10 + 5 * V10R - V10RR) / 24,
TRUE ~ (-V10R + 11 * V10 + 2 * V10L) / 24),
vodds = V10 - vevens,
V5out = dt_case_when(
Age == max(Age)~ OAvalue,
Age %% 10 == 0 ~ vodds,
Age %% 5 == 0 ~ vevens,
TRUE ~ V),
V5out = fifelse(, V, V5out)) |>
fselect(Age, Age10, V5out) |>
rename(!!variable := V5out)

# ---------------- #
# test equivalency #
# ---------------- #
# for OAG divisible by 10
smooth_age_5_arriaga_tidy(tibble(Age = Ages,
Pop = pop5m_pasex),
variable = "Pop",
mutate(V5orig = smooth_age_5_arriaga(pop5m_pasex, Ages, TRUE))

# for OAG divisible by 5
Age75 <- seq(0,75,by=5)
v75 <- pop5m_pasex
v75[16] <- sum(pop5m_pasex[16:17])
v75 <- v75[-17]

data <- tibble(Age = Age75,
Pop = v75)
variable = "Pop",
OAG = TRUE) |>
mutate(V5orig = smooth_age_5_arriaga(v75, Age75, TRUE))

# ----------------------- #
# Compare execution speed #
# ----------------------- #
variable = "Pop",
OAG = TRUE)) # .522
benchmark(smooth_age_5_arriaga(v75, Age75, TRUE)) # .054, 10 times faster...

# Conclusion:
# Possibly data.table could do the same a tic faster than collapse/tidyfast,
# but only marginally do, whereas base-powered DemoTools arithmetic is 10x faster

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